Hoai Khao - A picturesque ancient village that few people know about in Cao Bang

Thanh Hải |

Cao Bang - Possessing wild, majestic nature and unique cultural identity, but Hoai Khao tourist village is not yet known to many tourists.

Xom Hoai Khao, xa Quang Thanh nam trong quan the khu du lich sinh thai Phja Oac - Phja Den la mot trong nhung diem den doc dao nhung chua duoc nhieu du khach biet den tai Cao Bang.
Hoai Khao Hamlet, Quang Thanh Commune, located in the Phja Oac - Phja Den eco-tourism complex, is one of the unique destinations that is not yet known to many tourists in Cao Bang. Photo: NVCC
La noi sinh song cua 34 ho dan dong bao nguoi Dao Tien, Hoai Khao duoc chinh phu va co quan dia phuong van dong xay dung ban du lich. Noi day noi bat boi nhung net ban sac van hoa doc dao cung thien nhien hoang so, ky vi.
Hoai Khao is home to 34 households of the Tien Dao ethnic group. Local authorities encourage people to develop community tourism associated with preserving the cultural identity of ethnic groups. Photo: NVCC
Vo tinh co chuyen di den Hoai Khao vao dau thang 9 vua roi, anh Hoang Minh Duc (30 tuoi, nhiep anh gia tu do) va ban be da co trai nghiem day thu vi va bat ngo tai vung dat moi me nay.
Accidentally taking a trip to Hoai Khao in early September, Mr. Hoang Minh Duc (30 years old, freelance photographer) and his friends had an interesting and surprising experience at a new destination on the Cao Bang tourist map. Photo: NVCC
“Cam nhan dau tien cua minh khi dat chan toi ban la su chin chu, ngan nap, sach se, dac biet Hoai Khao van giu duoc net dep von co trong loi kien truc. La nguoi thich du lich ben vung, minh vo cung an tuong”, nam du khach chia se.
“My first impression when I arrived at the village was the neatness, tidiness, and cleanliness. In particular, Hoai Khao still retains its inherent beauty in its architecture. As someone who loves sustainable tourism, I was extremely impressed,” the male tourist shared. Photo: NVCC
Khong chi canh vat, anh Duc cung danh niem nguong mo dac biet cho van hoa cua nguoi dan Dao Tien: “Hoai Khao con giu lai duoc nhung hoat dong van hoa dac trung nhu nghe cham khac bac, in hoa van bang sap ong, hat pao dung va le cap sac (le truong thanh)”.
Not only fascinated by the scenery, Duc also has a special admiration for the culture of the Dao Tien people. "Hoai Khao still retains typical cultural activities such as silver carving, beeswax printing, pao dung singing and cap sac ceremony (coming of age ceremony)," the male tourist said. Photo: NVCC
Ban Hoai Khao cach trung tam thanh pho Cao Bang khoang 60km, duong kha de di nen ngay ca nhung khach tay lai yeu cung co the chay xe may den ban.
Hoai Khao Hamlet is about 60km from Cao Bang city center, the road is quite easy to travel so even those with weak driving skills can ride a motorbike here. Photo: NVCC
Tuy nhien, de tim dung duong den ban co the mat kha nhieu thoi gian vi dinh vi sai: “Minh va ban be di theo vi tri bi danh dau sai tren google maps nen lac mat 20 cay so. Cac ban co the tim theo vi tri nha van hoa xom Hoai Khao se den truc tiep ban luon”, anh Duc cho biet.
However, to find the right way to Hoai Khao, visitors may spend a lot of time due to incorrect positioning. "My friends and I followed the wrong location marked on Google Maps and got lost 20 kilometers. You can find and follow the directions to the Hoai Khao Village Cultural House," Duc shared his experience. Photo: NVCC
Tai Hoai Khao co 7 ho kinh doanh homestay, cac ho khac cung co nhung cong viec trong cong dong nhu don dep duong pho, tai hien nghe cham khac bac, cham hoa van bang sap ong, bat ca chep ruong, hat pao dung va neu du khach co nhu cau ban cung se tai hien le cap sac nhung chi khoang 10-15 nam moi co mot lan: “Moi nguoi dan trong ban la mot huong dan vien, vay nen hay hoi tham khi ban ghe ban”, nam nhiep anh gia danh loi khuyen cho khach du lich.
Hoai Khao Hamlet has 7 households running homestay businesses, other households also have community jobs such as cleaning the streets, reenacting silver carving, beeswax pattern marking, catching carp, singing pao dung, or watching the reenactment of the coming-of-age ceremony - this ceremony usually takes place in November, December or January of the lunar calendar every year. "Each villager is a tour guide, so ask around when you visit the village," the male photographer advises tourists. Photo: NVCC
Theo anh Duc, Hoai Khao se dep nhat vao mua lua tu thang 7 – thang 9. Tuc hoat dong du lich cua ban chi keo dai tu 1 thang ruoi toi 2 thang, thoi gian kha ngan va han che. Day cung la nhuoc diem lon nhat cua diem du lich nay.
According to Mr. Duc, Hoai Khao will be most beautiful during the rice season from July to September. Photo: NVCC
Doi lai, uu diem lon nhat cua Hoai Khao so voi cac noi khac la nen tang du lich ben vung, dua viec bao ton thien nhien va van hoa len hang dau. Day la yeu to nhieu ban du lich khac chua thuc su lam duoc. Anh: NVCC
The most impressive point of Hoai Khao in the eyes of tourists compared to other places is the sustainable tourism foundation, putting nature and culture conservation first. This is a factor that many other tourist villages in the northern mountainous region have not really achieved. Photo: NVCC
“Neu ban la mot nguoi thich du lich trai nghiem, tan huong tron ven van hoa dia phuong thi Hoai Khao la diem den xung dang trong thang 9 nay. Minh cung hy vong noi day khong bi du lich hoa lam mat di ban sac, giu duoc y nghia cot loi cua ban du lich cong dong”, anh Duc khang dinh. Anh: NVCC
“If you are a person who likes to travel and experience, fully enjoy the local culture, Hoai Khao is a worthy destination. I also hope that this place will not be over-touristed and lose its identity, but will retain the core meaning of community tourism,” Mr. Duc affirmed. Photo: NVCC
Thanh Hải

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