A coffee shop with a Northwest vibe in the heart of Hanoi

Linh Boo |

Hanoi - The coffee shop is decorated in a highland style, attracting many tourists to visit and experience.

Nam tren duong Huynh Thuc Khang (phuong Thanh Cong, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi), ca phe Thieu So gay an tuong voi phong cach chuan vung Tay Bac. Khong gian trong quan de cao cac yeu to moc mac cua nep song nguoi dan vung cao, nhung van mang net hien dai cua Thu do. Hai yeu to nay khi ket hop voi nhau tao nen mot net doc dao, rat rieng cho quan.
Located on Huynh Thuc Khang Street (Thanh Cong Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi), Thieu So Coffee impresses with its standard Northwest style. The space in the shop emphasizes the rustic elements of the highland people's lifestyle, but still has the modernity of the capital. These two elements, when combined, create a unique style for the shop.
Quan co 2 khong gian, trong nha va ngoai troi. Neu thich yen tinh, rieng tu, ban co the ngoi trong nha, co may lanh mat ruoi. Con neu thich cam nhan su thoang dang, tang 1 va tang 2 deu co khu vuc ngoai troi, rop bong cay xanh.
The restaurant has indoor and outdoor spaces. If you like quiet and privacy, you can sit indoors, where there is cool air conditioning. If you like to feel the open space, the first and second floors both have outdoor areas, shaded by green trees.
Ngoi tai ban cong tang 2 co the nhin bao quat xung quanh.
2nd floor balcony with panoramic view.
Cac vat dung hang ngay cua dong bao dan toc thieu so duoc su dung de bai tri.
Daily items of ethnic minorities are used for decoration. The "breath" of the Northwest is exuded in every detail, from the colorful brocade decorative pieces, the brocade backrest pillows, or the items hanging on the wall... all recreate the characteristics of the great land.
Tang 2 co nhieu khu vuc ngoi duoc nhom dong.
The airy second floor is loved by many people.
Ten cac loai nuoc uong cung ngap tran hoi tho thien nhien nhu tra sen com sua, tra mo nhan, tra vo ca phe chanh...Toi day, ban co the goi cho minh mot ly tra luu oi hong, vi trai cay ngot ngao hoa quyen voi huong tra thanh mat. Vay la chang can phai di xa khoi Ha Noi, ban van co the hoa minh vao khong gian Tay Bac tho mong, tan huong khong khi thu thai, em dem giua pho thi nao nhiet.
The shop is open from 7am to 11pm. Drinks range in price from 50,000 to 70,000 VND. The menu includes many popular drinks such as lotus seed milk tea, apricot longan tea, lemon coffee peel tea, pink guava pomegranate tea...
Chi Thu Huyen (1991, Ha Noi) tung den quan nhan xet: “Thieu So ca phe khien minh an tuong nhat la ve khong gian, concept cua quan duoc dau tu chin chu den tung chi tiet. Do uong gia ca phai chang, duoc decor xinh xan, kha ngon. Dac biet cac tin do song ao den day thi tha ho chup hinh chay may, goc nao cung xinh“.
Without having to go far from Hanoi, visitors can still immerse themselves in the poetic Northwest space, enjoying the leisurely pace of life in the middle of the bustling city. Ms. Thu Huyen (1991, Hanoi), a customer who has been to the shop, commented: "The space of the shop is invested meticulously in every detail. The drinks are affordable, beautifully decorated, quite delicious. Especially, virtual life enthusiasts come here to take pictures freely, every corner is beautiful".
Linh Boo

OneRepublic singer drinks coffee, praises the most expensive bread in Ho Chi Minh City


The main vocalist of the group OneRepublic delighted fans by posting a series of check-in photos and experiences eating bread, drinking coffee... in Ho Chi Minh City.

OneRepublic singer drinks coffee, praises the most expensive bread in Ho Chi Minh City

Thanh Hải |

The main vocalist of the group OneRepublic delighted fans by posting a series of check-in photos and experiences eating bread, drinking coffee... in Ho Chi Minh City.

5 quán cà phê ngắm mùa lúa chín đẹp như mơ ở Sa Pa

Linh Boo |

Tháng 9, Sa Pa khiến du khách say đắm khi khoác lên mình chiếc áo vàng óng ả của những thửa ruộng bậc thang vào độ thu hoạch.

Người Đà Nẵng bắt trend ăn xôi cốm, uống cà phê đón mùa thu Hà Nội

Mai Hương |

Nhiều bạn trẻ ở Đà Nẵng đổ xô đến các địa điểm có xe hoa, xôi cốm để check-in, trải nghiệm không khí mùa thu Hà Nội.