Enjoy a Full-Emotion Halloween in Japan

Lương Đình Khoa |

Japan - The vibrant Halloween atmosphere leaves many impressions on visitors at the most prestigious theme parks in the land of cherry blossoms.

Ngay tu dau gio chieu 30.10, gioi tre Nhat Ban cung du khach khap noi da co mat doc hai ben tuyen duong se dien ra Le hoi duong pho tai Universal Studios de cho doi thuong thuc, hoa nhip cung khong khi Halloween soi dong.
On October 30, young Japanese people and tourists from all over gathered along both sides of the street where the Universal Studios Street Festival will take place, waiting to enjoy and join in the vibrant Halloween atmosphere. The 2024 Halloween festival season at this amusement park lasts more than 2 months from early September to early November.
Universal Studios duoc biet den voi vai tro la phim truong dau tien nam ngoai nuoc My. Cac khu vuc canh phim cua thanh pho New York, Hollywood, San Francisco, cong vien khung long Jurassic, lang Amity voi phim Ham Ca Map, Snoopy, Water World… duoc tai hien sinh dong tai day. Mo cua vao nam 2001 cho den nay. Khu vui choi sam uat nay hien da mo rong len nhieu lan va duoc bo sung nhieu tro choi hap dan va moi la.
Universal Studios is known as the first film studio outside the United States. The movie scenes of New York City, Hollywood, San Francisco, Jurassic Park, Amity Village with the movie Jaws, Snoopy, Water World... are vividly recreated here. Opened in 2001, this amusement park has expanded many times and added many new and exciting games.
Khong khi Le hoi duong pho trong mua Halloween duoc dau tu nhieu hon so voi ngay thuong ve phan trang phuc, tao hinh cung cac phan trinh dien.
The atmosphere of the Street Festival during Halloween is invested more than usual in terms of costumes, styling and performances.
Cac nhan vat, dao cu trong nhung bo phim noi tieng duoc tai hien mot cach sinh dong khien nguoi xem ho reo phan khich.
Characters and props from famous movies are vividly recreated, making viewers cheer with excitement.
Du khach den tu nhieu quoc gia cung co the dang ky truoc de dam nhiem cac vi tri phu hop trong phan dieu hanh tren duong pho.
International visitors can also pre-register to take up suitable positions in the street parade.
On the towering stilts, the dancers performed with energy and confidence.
Cac vu dieu den tu nhieu vung mien, lanh tho mang den mot bua tiec moi la, loi cuon.
Passionate dances from many regions and territories bring a new artistic feast.
Chuong trinh Le hoi duong pho duoc dien ra lien tuc trong thoi luong 90 phut, qua cac truc duong chinh tai Universal Studios.
The Street Festival program takes place for 90 minutes, through the main streets of the theme park.
Am nhac, vu dieu, sac mau cung cac phan trinh dien va hoat nao tao nen bau khong khi soi dong day loi cuon, chinh phuc ca nhung du khach kho tinh nhat. He thong am thanh nhac phim, nhac kich, tieng dong khi thi ron rang, luc ma quai cung duoc bo tri phu kin cac khong gian vui choi tai noi nay.
Music, dance, color, performances and animations create a vibrant and attractive atmosphere. Sound systems for film music, musicals, and sounds, sometimes bustling, sometimes spooky, are also arranged to cover the entertainment spaces here.
Cac goc hoa trang truc tiep cho mua Halloween cung duoc bo tri tren cac goc via he.
Halloween costume corners attract visitors.
Du khach khong phan biet ngon ngu, quoc gia deu de dang ket noi, hoa nhip mot cach gan gui cung nhau trong khong khi Halloween soi dong tai Universal Studios.
Visitors of all languages ​​and nationalities can easily connect and mingle together in the vibrant Halloween atmosphere at Universal Studios.
Cac hoat dong ve Halloween duoc keo dai lien tuc den tan khuya voi nhieu khong gian trinh dien khac nhau.
Halloween activities take place from morning until late at night in many different performance spaces. For Japanese youth, this is the ideal opportunity to unleash their creativity, transforming into comic book characters and favorite role models.
Ben canh Universal Studios thi Tokyo Disneyland cung la mot cong vien giai tri noi tieng duoc xay dung tu nam 1983, voi khong gian dua theo nhung bo phim hoat hinh noi tieng cua hang Walt Disney. Trong mua Halloween, khong khi noi day cung tro nen hap dan hon, thu hut dong dao du khach.
Besides Universal Studios, Tokyo Disneyland is also a famous amusement park built in 1983, with space based on famous animated films of Walt Disney. During the Halloween season, the atmosphere here also becomes more attractive, attracting a large number of tourists.
Mot nghe si voi nu cuoi rang ro ben cay dan piano, danh tang nhung giai dieu ron rang cho khan gia trong khuon vien cua Tokyo Disneyland.
A smiling artist with a piano mounted on a bicycle, providing lively melodies for the audience on the grounds of Tokyo Disneyland.
Halloween atmosphere is everywhere at Universal Studios Japan. Video: Luong Dinh Khoa
Lương Đình Khoa

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