Graceful girl in ao dai, Hue royal costume


HUE - Hue Ao Dai Festival 2024 brings together many collections inspired by the "Phung" image in architectural decoration, combined with Nguyen Dynasty royal costumes.

Ngay 24.9, Trung tam Bao ton Di tich Co do Hue cho biet, Le hoi Ao dai Hue 2024 “Linh phung“. Day la mot trong nhung chuong trinh diem nhan thuoc khuon kho Festival Mua thu Hue 2024.
On September 24, the Hue Monuments Conservation Center announced that it had just organized the Hue Ao Dai Festival 2024 "Linh Phung". This is one of the highlight programs within the framework of the Hue Autumn Festival 2024.
Theo do, le hoi la chuong trinh nghe thuat doc dao voi thoi trang, hat, mua, nhac, nhung giai dieu am nhac Hue truyen thong - hien dai duoc hoa am, phoi khi moi. Ket hop voi nhung vu dieu duoc lay tu dieu mua cung dinh.
Accordingly, the festival is a unique art program with fashion, singing, dancing, music, traditional and modern Hue music melodies with new arrangements and arrangements, combined with dances taken from royal court dances.
Le hoi quy tu cac nha thiet ke ao dai ten tuoi voi nhung bo suu tap ao dai dac biet, lay cam hung sang tao tu hinh tuong “Phung” trong trang tri kien truc va trang phuc cung dinh nha Nguyen ket hop voi ve dep trang phuc ao dai Viet Nam hien dai.
The festival brings together famous ao dai designers with special ao dai collections, inspired by the image of "Phung" in architectural decoration and royal costumes of the Nguyen Dynasty combined with the beauty of modern Vietnamese ao dai.
Tai day, chuong trinh gom 3 chuong voi chu de moi chuong la mot cau chuyen ke ve huyen thoai con chim phuong, mot trong tu linh.
The program consists of 3 chapters, each chapter's theme is a story about the legend of the phoenix, one of the four sacred animals.
Nhung tiet muc trinh dien voi ao dai vo cung dac sac.
The performances with Ao Dai are extremely special.
Chuong 1 voi chu de “Phung vu” the hien su thanh binh cua dat nuoc, hanh phuc cua nhan dan trong canh quoc thai, dan an. Chim phung bao hieu nhung dieu tot lanh, hanh phuc, canh thinh tri dat nuoc.
Chapter 1 with the theme "Phung Vu" represents the peace of the country, the happiness of the people in the scene of national peace and security. The phoenix signals good things, happiness, and prosperity of the country.
Voi chu de “Linh phung“, chuong 2 nhu goi cho nguoi xem ve truyen thuyet phung hoang chi xuat hien vao nhung thoi dai thinh tri. La bieu tuong cua mat troi, hoi am cua mua ha va su thu hoach mua mang.
With the theme “Spirit Phoenix”, chapter 2 reminds viewers of the legend of the phoenix only appearing in prosperous times. This is considered a symbol of the sun, the warmth of summer and the harvest.
Ben canh do, chuong 3 co chu de “Bach phung cat tuong” voi hinh tuong tram con chim phung cung bay len, bieu tuong cat tuong, gan voi chu Tho, chu Phuc, chu Hy duoc xem la khat vong cua cuoc song binh yen, cua trieu dai thai binh.
Besides, chapter 3 has the theme "Auspicious Phoenixes" with the image of a hundred phoenixes flying together, a symbol of good luck, associated with the words Longevity, Happiness, and Joy, which are considered the aspirations of a peaceful life.
 Nhung thieu nu thuot tha trong ta ao dai linh phung, de lai an tuong den voi khan gia.
The graceful girls in the traditional long dresses left an impression on the audience.
Theo Lanh dao Trung tam Bao ton di tich Co do Hue, trong van hoa Viet, hinh tuong Phung xuat hien tu rat som, mot hinh anh mang tinh bieu tuong dac biet. Co nguoi cho rang, hinh tuong chim Lac tren trong dong Dong Son chinh la su khac hoa co tinh dien hinh dau tien. Do la loai chim than, dang bay luon trong dieu mua cua vu tru de van vat sinh soi va hoa hop. Phung hoang mua la bieu trung cua vu tru dang van hanh.
According to the leader of the Hue Monuments Conservation Center, in Vietnamese culture, the image of the Phoenix appeared very early, an image with special symbolic meaning. Some people believe that the image of the Lac bird on the Dong Son bronze drum is the first typical depiction. It is a divine bird, flying in the dance of the universe so that all things can grow and harmonize. The dancing Phoenix is ​​a symbol of the universe in operation.
Hinh tuong chim phung co suc song manh liet trong doi song van hoa Viet Nam, tro thanh de tai quen thuoc trong kien truc, dieu khac va trang tri truyen thong cua dan toc. Tai kinh do Hue, toan bo phan kien truc go ben tren cong chinh Ngo Mon cua Hoang thanh co ten la lau Ngu Phung.
The image of the phoenix has a strong vitality in Vietnamese cultural life, becoming a familiar theme in the traditional architecture, sculpture and decoration of the nation. In the capital of Hue, the entire wooden architecture above the main gate of Ngo Mon of the Imperial Citadel is called Ngu Phung Tower.
 Co mot hinh anh rat dep thuong gap trong kieu trang tri nay la phung hoang dau tren cay ngo dong. Phung hoang xuat hien la su bao diem lanh, la su khoi dau cua hoa binh, thinh vuong, quoc thai dan an.
There is a very beautiful image often seen in this decoration style, which is the phoenix perched on a parasol tree. The appearance of the phoenix is ​​a sign of good luck, the beginning of peace, prosperity, and national security.

Vợ chồng Trấn Thành tiết lộ quán bánh canh ngon nhất TPHCM

Thanh Hải |

Bánh canh dì Hương là quán ăn khuya được vợ chồng Trấn Thành - Hari Won vô cùng yêu thích vì hương vị truyền thống, không thay đổi theo thời gian.

Cận cảnh trùng tu nơi đặt ngai vua triều Nguyễn ở Huế


HUẾ - Với tổng vốn hơn 128 tỉ đồng trùng tu, Điện Thái Hòa đang dần hoàn thiện và dự kiến hoàn thành vào tháng 8.2025.

Hàng trăm người mặc áo dài đạp xe ở Huế


HUẾ - Ngày 29.6 tại TP. Huế, Sở Du lịch Thừa Thiên Huế đã tổ chức hoạt động "Áo dài với đạp xe vì môi trường".

Tran Thanh and his wife reveal the best noodle shop in Ho Chi Minh City

Thanh Hải |

Aunt Huong's Banh Canh is a late-night restaurant that Tran Thanh - Hari Won couple really love because of its traditional flavor that has not changed over time.

Close-up of the restoration of the Nguyen Dynasty throne in Hue


HUE - With a total investment of more than 128 billion VND, Thai Hoa Palace is gradually being completed and is expected to be completed in August 2025.

Hàng trăm người mặc áo dài đạp xe ở Huế


HUẾ - Ngày 29.6 tại TP. Huế, Sở Du lịch Thừa Thiên Huế đã tổ chức hoạt động "Áo dài với đạp xe vì môi trường".