The first day of the Lunar New Year 2025 falls on January 29, 2025. The people and the country will have 9 days off, from January 25 to February 2 (from December 26 to the 5th day of the Lunar New Year 2025).
According to monthly forecast information from the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, in January 2025, the average temperature nationwide will be approximately the same as the average temperature of many years (TBNN) in the same period.
Total rainfall in the North and provinces from Thanh Hoa to Da Nang is generally 10-20mm lower than the average. Other areas are generally 5-10mm higher than the average for the same period.

In January 2025, cold air tends to be more active than in December 2024. Cold air is likely to cause many days of severe cold in the northern provinces of Vietnam, concentrated in the period of mid-January 2025.
It is forecasted that around January 9-10, the cold air will strengthen, causing the temperature to drop sharply, with cold rain. The lowest temperature in Hanoi will be around 13-19 degrees Celsius. The northern mountainous areas in provinces such as Lai Chau, Cao Bang, Lang Son... will have some places with severe cold, with temperatures dropping sharply to 5-7 degrees Celsius.

During the forecast period, the South Central region is likely to experience some scattered showers and thunderstorms, with some localized moderate to heavy rain; the South region may experience some unseasonal rainy days. Residents and tourists should be on guard against the possibility of extreme weather events such as tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind during thunderstorms.

Cold air and dangerous weather phenomena at sea can cause strong winds and large waves affecting ship operations.
On land, cold air can cause many days of severe cold in the northern provinces, with the risk of frost and ice causing major impacts on livestock, crops and people's health, especially in the northern mountainous areas. Heavy rain, thunderstorms accompanied by whirlwinds, lightning, hail and gusts of wind can greatly affect production and people's activities.
With these weather conditions, people and tourists welcoming the New Year and going on spring trips in the Northern region should pay attention to bring warm clothes and thermal clothing to ensure their health. People and tourists in the Central and Southern regions should bring umbrellas and raincoats when going out to prevent sudden changes in the weather.