According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, on January 12, the northwestern provinces will be cloudy, no rain at night, sunny during the day. Light wind. Cold weather, severe cold, high mountainous areas may have frost and frost.
At this time, if tourists plan to conquer Ta Xua peak, Tram Tau district, Yen Bai province, they should pay attention to the weather. Current local temperatures range from 1-11 degrees, cloudy, no rain at night, sunny during the day. Light wind. Cold weather, severe cold, possible frost and frost.
Coming to Ta Xua at the end of the lunar year, visitors can not only "hunt clouds" but also have the opportunity to admire the ice covering the natural landscape. For many visitors, this scene is covered in white snow like the European landscape. However, the higher the mountain, the more the temperature drops, visitors need to be fully equipped to keep their bodies warm.

Weather forecast today in 6 provinces in the Northwest, sunny day. Lowest temperature from: 8-11 degrees, some places below 7 degrees. Highest temperature from: 17-20 degrees.