Weather forecast for January 23, the Northwestern provinces are cloudy, with light rain in some places, early morning there is scattered fog and light fog, afternoon and evening the clouds are less cloudy and sunny. Light wind. Cold at night and in the morning, with some places experiencing severe cold.
At this time, cherry blossoms are blooming in the Northwestern provinces, including many locations in Moc Chau, Son La province. Current local temperatures range from 13-25 degrees Celsius, cloudy, early morning with scattered fog and light fog, sunny in the afternoon. Light wind. Cold at night and morning.
Although it has only been planted in Moc Chau for a few years, cherry blossom season attracts a large number of visitors at the beginning of each year.
In mid-January, cherry blossoms in Moc Chau are blooming in many places such as: The slope up to Doi Gio coffee, Mu Nau Farm, tea village, district party committee square, area around town...

Today's weather forecast in Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Hoa Binh is cloudy in some places. In Lai Chau, Dien Bien, it will be sunny. Lowest temperature from: 14-17 degrees Celsius, some places below 13 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature from: 21-24 degrees Celsius, some places above 24 degrees Celsius.