Dien Bien - many families left empty-handed after flash floods


After the historic flash flood that occurred 2 months ago, the fields of Muong Pon commune, Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province were covered in desolation even though it was harvest season.

Canh dong Muong Pon, xa bien gioi Muong Pon, huyen Dien Bien, tinh Dien Bien, von di dang vao mua gat voi nhung bong lua vang ong, gio day lai hien len mot khung canh hoang tan, sau gan 2 thang ke tu khi xay ra tran lu lich su.
Muong Pon field, Muong Pon border commune, Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province, which was supposed to be in harvest season with golden rice flowers, now appears a desolate scene, nearly 2 months after the historic flood.
Theo thong ke cua UBND huyen Dien Bien, tran lu quet tai xa Muong Pon da lam 123ha dat san xuat bi vui lap, cuon troi. Dac biet, co 66,5ha dat bi vui lap boi mot lop dat da day dac, nguoi dan khong the tu khac phuc.
According to statistics from the People's Committee of Dien Bien district, the flash flood in Muong Pon commune buried and washed away 123 hectares of productive land. In particular, 66.5 hectares of land were buried by a thick layer of rock and soil, which people could not overcome on their own.
Ngoai ra, co 8ha dien tich ruong lua bi sat lo, lu quet mat ruong hoan toan tai cac khe suoi khong khac phuc duoc.
In addition, 8 hectares of rice fields were completely eroded and swept away by flash floods in streams that could not be repaired.
Dien tich ruong lua bi dat da vui lap khoi luong nho (nguoi dan tu khac phuc duoc) vao khoang 50ha.
The area of ​​rice fields buried by rocks and soil is small (people can fix it themselves) about 50 hectares.
Nguoi dan khong khoi ngam ngui khi nhin canh dong lua bi tan pha nang ne.
People could not help but feel sad when seeing the heavily damaged rice fields.
Anh Lo Van Huong - nguoi dan ban Muong Pon 2, chia se: “Gia dinh toi co hon 2.700m2 lua, nhung tran lu vua roi da cuon troi hon mot nua. Voi dien tich nay, chung toi phai lo gao cho 6 mieng an. Gio day, khong biet se xoay so the nao”.
Mr. Lo Van Huong - a resident of Muong Pon 2 village, shared: “My family has more than 2,700m2 of rice, but the recent flood has washed away more than half of it. With this area, we have to worry about rice for 6 mouths to feed. Now, we don’t know how to manage.”
Lu quet da cuop di mua mang cua bao gia dinh nong dan, day ho vao canh trang tay.
Flash floods have destroyed the crops of many farming families, leaving them penniless.
Dang ganh lua giup nha nguoi than, ba Lo Thi Chien - ban Muong Pon 2, ngam ngui noi: “Nha toi mat trang ca 1ha lua. Moi vu, gia dinh toi thu hoach duoc khoang 120 bao thoc. Gio day, khong biet lay gao dau ma an. Vua qua, gia dinh con no phan bon 10 trieu dong, khong biet lay dau ra de tra“.
While helping her relatives harvest, Mrs. Lo Thi Chien - Muong Pon 2 village, sadly said: "My family lost an entire hectare of rice. Each crop, my family harvested about 120 bags of rice. Now, we don't know where to get rice to eat. Recently, our family still owed 10 million VND for fertilizer, we don't know where to get it to pay."
Tran lu quet cung lam 3 cong trinh thuy loi bi hu hong hoan toan (thuy loi phai Den, thuy loi Na O, Co Ke). Suoi Nam Pon bi sat lo hai ben va doi toan bo dong voi chieu dai 10km.
The flash flood also completely damaged 3 irrigation works (Phi Den irrigation, Na O irrigation, Co Ke). Nam Pon stream had landslides on both sides and changed its entire course with a length of 10km.
Hien tai, mot trong nhung van de nan giai nhat hien nay la viec khoi phuc san xuat. Hang chuc hec ta dat canh tac bi vui lap, cuon troi, gay anh huong nghiem trong den sinh ke cua nguoi dan.
Currently, one of the most difficult problems is the restoration of production. Dozens of hectares of cultivated land have been buried and washed away, seriously affecting people's livelihoods.
Trao doi voi PV Bao Lao Dong, ong Cha A Ta - Pho Chu tich UBND xa Muong Pon - cho biet, voi 66,5ha dat bi vui lap nguoi dan khong tu khac phuc duoc, huyen Dien Bien dang de xuat, kien nghi cac cap ho tro van chuyen mot phan dat da, ho tro san gat lop mat de khoi phuc san xuat de trong cac cay hoa mau nhu ngo, khoai, san…
Talking to Lao Dong Newspaper reporter, Mr. Cha A Ta - Vice Chairman of Muong Pon Commune People's Committee - said that with 66.5 hectares of buried land that people cannot fix themselves, Dien Bien district is proposing and recommending that all levels support the transportation of part of the soil and rocks, support the leveling of the surface layer to restore production, and plant crops such as corn, potatoes, cassava, etc.
 “Ngoai ra, ho tro mo hinh chan nuoi nhu: ga, ngan, vit... thuong pham tao sinh ke cho 395 ho dan mat dat san xuat. Ho tro mo hinh trong trot, cai tao dat, chinh trang bo thua ruong sau khi da duoc san gat lop mat de khoi phuc san xuat voi dien tich 115 ha” – ong Ta thong tin.
“In addition, support for livestock models such as commercial chickens, geese, ducks... to create livelihoods for 395 households that have lost their production land. Support for crop models, land improvement, and land bank reclamation after the surface layer has been leveled to restore production with an area of ​​115 hectares” – Mr. Ta said.
Du con lu vua qua da gay khong it thiet hai, nhung tren nhung canh dong van con nhieu dien tich may man khong anh huong nhieu, nguoi dan Muong Pon dang tat bat thu lua ve nha.
Although the recent flood caused a lot of damage, there are still many areas in the fields that were fortunately not affected much, and the people of Muong Pon are busy harvesting rice to bring home.
Truoc do nhu Bao Lao Dong thong tin, tran mua lu, lu quet xay ra vao dem 24, rang sang 25.7 tai xa Muong Pon, khien 7 nguoi chet va mat tich. Tran lu quet cung cuon troi hang chuc ngoi nha, nhieu ngoi nha bi do sap va khoang 100 ngoi nha khac bi hu hong.
As previously reported by Lao Dong Newspaper, the heavy rain and flash flood occurred on the night of July 24 and early morning of July 25 in Muong Pon commune, leaving 7 people dead and missing. The flash flood also swept away dozens of houses, many collapsed and about 100 others were damaged.

Bên trong những ngôi nhà tạm vùng rốn lũ Mường Pồn


Điện Biên - Trong khi chờ tái định cư sau lũ quét từ gần 2 tháng trước, nhiều người dân vùng rốn lũ Mường Pồn đang phải dựng lên những ngôi nhà tạm.

Bao giờ người dân rốn lũ Mường Pồn mới ổn định cuộc sống?


Đã gần 2 tháng kể từ khi xảy ra trận lũ lịch sử, người dân vùng rốn lũ Mường Pồn (huyện Điện Biên, tỉnh Điện Biên) vẫn đang chờ phương án tái định cư.

Trở lại Mường Pồn - 1 tháng sau lũ quét lịch sử


Đã 1 tháng kể từ khi trận lũ quét kinh hoàng xảy ra, người dân xã Mường Pồn (huyện Điện Biên, tỉnh Điện Biên) vẫn còn chưa hết bàng hoàng.

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Inside temporary houses in the flood-prone area of ​​Muong Pon


Dien Bien - While waiting for resettlement after the flash flood nearly 2 months ago, many people in the flood-prone area of ​​Muong Pon are having to build temporary houses.

When will the people of Muong Pon flood center stabilize their lives?


Nearly two months have passed since the historic flood, but people in the flood-prone area of ​​Muong Pon (Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province) are still waiting for a resettlement plan.

Return to Muong Pon - 1 month after historic flash flood


It has been 1 month since the terrible flash flood occurred, people in Muong Pon commune (Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province ) are still in shock.