Thousands of people flock to the water festival of Tranh Temple in Hai Duong


Hai Duong - On the morning of March 9, the Tranh Temple Festival (Ninh Giang Town) attracted a large number of people and tourists to watch the special sacred water festival at the river crossing.

 Ngay tu 6 gio 30 phut sang, rat dong du khach hoa minh vao dong nguoi di lay nuoc thieng tai nga ba song Tranh de cau may. Nghi thuc ruoc nuoc tai le hoi den Tranh mang net van hoa rieng biet, gan lien voi thanh tich cua den.
From 6:30 a.m. on March 9, many people and tourists gathered to draw sacred water at the Tranh River crossing to pray for good luck. The waterwalk ceremony at the Tranh Temple Festival has a unique cultural feature, associated with the sanctuary.
Doan ruoc gom du gia, tre, gai, trai, ruc ro co, long, trong, chieng ron ra xuat phat tu den Tranh (xa Dong Tam) di qua cac tuyen pho chinh cua thi tran Ninh Giang.
The convoy of goods, including old, young, girls, men, brilliant with flags, lanterns, drums, and ginger, departs from Tranh Temple (Dong Tam Commune) through the main streets of Ninh Giang Town.

Nghi le ruoc nuoc tai le hoi den Tranh gan lien voi cong lao cua Quan lon Tuan Tranh. Theo lich su ghi lai, Ngai la con Vua thuy xuat hien o khuc song Tranh gan lien voi tich hai ong ba o den Lac Duc (huyen Tu Ky, tinh Hai Duong) vut doi ran xuong khuc song Tranh tao nen song xoay va nguoi dan da lap mieu tho Quan lon Tuan Tranh ven song tu thua hong hoang.
The water carcing ceremony at the Tranh temple festival is associated with the merits of Quan Dai Tuan Tranh. According to legend, Quan Dai Tuan Tranh was a Thuy god, the 5th son of King Thuy according to the folk beliefs of the river region. The legend of Quan Dai Tuan Tranh is associated with the relics of the two grandparents at Lac Duc Temple (Tu Ky District, Hai Duong Province).
 Kieu Quan lon Tuan Tranh tren duong di ruoc nuoc.
Grand Quan Quan Quan Quan Tranh on his way to the water.
Thong thuong trong le ruoc nuoc chi co nguoi dan dia phuong noi to chuc le hoi tham gia. Tuy nhien, nghi le ruoc nuoc o le hoi den Tranh co doan lan su rong cung nguoi dan cua phuong Vinh Trai (TP. Lang Son, tinh Lang Son-noi co den Ky Cung cung tho Quan lon Tuan Tranh) tham gia.
Usually, only local people where the festival is held participate in the waterwalk. However, the water-carrying ceremony at the Tranh Temple Festival has the lion and dragon troupe of Vinh Trai Ward (Lang Son) - where Ky Cung Temple also worships Quan Dai Tuan Tranh) participating.
Theo tuong truyen, den Tranh (xa Dong Tam) la noi sinh cua quan, con den Ky Cung (phuong Vinh Trai) la noi hoa cua Ngai. Chinh dieu nay da tao nen su giao thoa van hoa vung mien giua manh dat cua 2 dia phuong voi nhau.
According to legend, Tranh Temple (Dong Tam Commune) is the birthplace of Quan Dai Tuan Tranh, while Ky Cung Temple (Vinh Trai Ward) is his birthplace. This has created cultural exchange between the two localities.
Den moi diem dung, doi mua rong - lan huyen nao, tieng trong, chieng vui tai. Doan khieng kieu thuc hien nghi thuc “quay kieu” thu hut dong dao nguoi dan va du khach dung xem.
At each stop, the dragon and lion dance team chased and chased, playing drums and gongs. The khieu carrying group performed the khieu quay ceremony, attracting a large number of people and tourists to stand and watch.
Doan ruoc di toi dau, nguoi dan hai ben duong deu kinh le. Tuong truyen day la hoat dong nham de cau cho moi viec trong nam deu duoc hanh thong.
Wherever the convoy goes, people on both sides of the road respect the festival and pray for everything to be smooth during the year.
Chinh dung de dung nuoc khi lay, roi se mang ve lam le trong Cung cam cua den.
The stele is used to contain sacred water taken from the river and brought back for worship in the Forbidden Palace of Tranh Temple.
The group took a ferry to the river crossing to get water.
Nga ba song noi doan ruoc lay nuoc.
The river crossing where the group marched to get water.
Sau khi len pha ra giua nga ba song Tranh, doan ruoc phai lam le truoc khi xin nuoc.
After boarding the ferry to the middle of the Tranh River crossing, the convoy had to hold a ceremony before asking for water.
 Doan ruoc tro ve den Tranh sau khi hoan thanh viec lay nuoc thieng o nga ba song Tranh.
The convoy returned to Tranh Temple after completing the sacred water collection at the Tranh River crossing.
Sau khi lay nuoc ve se dua vao trong Cung cam de lam le Moc duc va dung chinh nuoc nay de bao sai tuong quan trong Kham (Hau cung).
The sacred water taken from the river will be brought into the Forbidden Palace to perform the sex crimes and use this water to wrap the Quan statue in the Kham (Bao Dai).
 Le hoi den Tranh xuan At Ty 2025 duoc to chuc tu ngay 7-9/3 va ngay 13/3. Ngoai nghi thuc ruoc nuoc, tai le hoi con nhieu hoat dong dac sac khac nhu tro choi dan gian (keo co, co tuong, dap nieu dat, bit mat bat de, vat dan toc,...); gian trung bay san pham OCOP, san pham lang nghe dac trung cua cac xa, thi tran trong huyen;...
The At Ty Spring Tranh Temple Festival 2025 will be held from March 7-9 and March 13. In addition to the waterwalk ceremony, the festival also has many other special activities such as folk games (corsets, flags, earthen dances, blindfolded goat catching, ethnic objects, etc.); booths displaying OCOP products, typical craft village products of communes and towns in Ninh Giang district...

Preserving the green color, preserving the heritage of Cao An Phu Temple in Hai Duong


Hai Duong - The Management Board of Cao An Phu Temple has strengthened forest fire prevention and fighting, planted trees, protected the environment, and preserved the natural beauty.

Hai Duong preserves cultural heritage using digital technology


Hai Duong - According to the Hai Duong Provincial Youth Union, the whole province currently has 170 relics that have been digitized by the Youth Union at all levels.

Hai Duong people compete in pounding rice cakes and wrapping square glutinous rice cakes


Hai Duong - On the afternoon of February 11, in the 2025 Hai Duong Province Banh Chung and Banh Giay Competition, there was a competition to make sticky rice and pound Banh Giay.

The most sacred temple in Hai Duong is crowded before the full moon in January


Hai Duong - the famous sacred temple in the busyness of the worshiper, praying before the full moon day of January.

Unique pearl milk tea with gai cake and green bean cake from Hai Duong


Hai Duong - A coffee shop that "transforms" hometown specialties into creative and modern drinks, close to young people.

Preserving the green color, preserving the heritage of Cao An Phu Temple in Hai Duong

Mai Hương |

Hai Duong - The Management Board of Cao An Phu Temple has strengthened forest fire prevention and fighting, planted trees, protected the environment, and preserved the natural beauty.

Hai Duong preserves cultural heritage using digital technology

Mai Hương |

Hai Duong - According to the Hai Duong Provincial Youth Union, the whole province currently has 170 relics that have been digitized by the Youth Union at all levels.

Hai Duong people compete in pounding rice cakes and wrapping square glutinous rice cakes

Mai Hương |

Hai Duong - On the afternoon of February 11, in the 2025 Hai Duong Province Banh Chung and Banh Giay Competition, there was a competition to make sticky rice and pound Banh Giay.

The most sacred temple in Hai Duong is crowded before the full moon in January

Tường Vy |

Hai Duong - the famous sacred temple in the busyness of the worshiper, praying before the full moon day of January.

Unique pearl milk tea with gai cake and green bean cake from Hai Duong

Ninh Phương |

Hai Duong - A coffee shop that "transforms" hometown specialties into creative and modern drinks, close to young people.