40-year-old traditional carp mooncake shop in Hanoi's Old Quarter

Phương Anh |

The owner of the moon cake shop on Hoi Vu street initially only sold seasonal cakes, but gradually won over customers thanks to the quality and traditional flavor of the cakes.

Huong Sen Mooncakes are not unfamiliar to the people of the Capital, especially those in the Old Quarter. Since 1984, Ms. Le Thi Hau, the owner of a bakery, decided to make and sell mooncakes to earn extra income.

Ms. Hau’s bakery is famous for its traditional mixed sticky rice mooncakes and baked mooncakes. With carefully selected ingredients that ensure food safety, the mixed fillings include: lard, Chinese sausage, lotus jam… mixed with the characteristic lemongrass scent of traditional mixed mooncakes.

Hieu banh cua co Hau noi tieng voi banh nuong va banh deo nhan thap cam co truyen. Voi nhung nguyen lieu duoc chon loc ki cang va dam bao an toan thuc pham, nhan thap cam bao gom: mo lon, lap xuong, mut sen… hoa quyen cung mui la chanh thom dac trung cua banh Huong Sen. Anh: Nhan vat cung cap

Assorted moon cakes. Photo: Character provided

With her skillful hands of over 40 years of making cakes, every mooncake season, customers coming to buy will always see Ms. Hau quickly kneading the ingredients evenly, then rolling them into balls and placing them on a separate tray.

The shop’s specialty is carp-shaped mooncakes. Baked and sticky rice carp-shaped mooncakes have two types of fillings, mainly mixed or green beans and salted eggs. Not choosing to bake traditional pig-shaped mooncakes, Ms. Le Thi Hau shared: “I chose the image of a carp as the shop’s prominent symbol. Vietnamese folklore has the image of a “carp transforming into a dragon” representing prosperity, teaching people to always strive to rise up, not to be discouraged and to achieve success.”

According to her, this image has both deep meaning and creates excitement for children when they break the cake every Mid-Autumn Festival season.

Dac san cua thuong hieu Huong Sen chinh la banh trung thu hinh ca chep. Banh ca chep nuong va deo co hai loai nhan, chu yeu la nhan thap cam hoac dau xanh trung muoi. Khac voi banh lon i truyen thong tren pho Nguyen Sieu, co Le Thi Hau chia se: “Minh chon hinh anh ca chep lam bieu tuong noi bat cua cua hang. Dan gian Viet Nam co hinh tuong “ca chep hoa rong” the hien su thinh vuong, ran day con nguoi luon phai co gang vuon len, khong duoc nan chi se co duoc thanh cong. Hinh anh nay vua co y nghia sau sac vua tao su thich thu cho tre em”. Anh: Nhan vat cung cap

Carp-shape Mooncake. Photo: Provided by the character

Due to the diverse needs of the market, the store now has mooncakes with mixed roast chicken, mixed salted eggs and green beans with two eggs.

Ms. Hau said: “I only start selling and accepting orders for moon cakes from the beginning of July to the end of August of the lunar calendar and then stop. Unlike other stores that sell all year round, each year I focus on about 2 months to sell the best products to everyone.”

Do nhu cau da dang cua thi truong, hien nay cua hang Huong Sen co them banh trung thu nhan thap cam ga quay, thap cam trung man va dau xanh hai trung. Co Hau bay to ve thoi diem banh hang: “Minh chi bat dau ban va nhan dat banh trung thu tu dau thang 7 den cuoi thang 8 am lich la nghi. Khong nhu cac cua hang khac ban quanh nam, moi nam minh tap trung khoang 2 thang de ban ra nhung san pham tot nhat cho moi nguoi”. Anh: Nhan vat cung cap

A batch of mooncakes waiting to be baked. Photo: Character provided

Every full moon of the 8th lunar month, this bakery sells an average of 600-700 mooncakes per day, and on busy days it can sell up to 1,000 mooncakes. The mooncakes do not contain preservatives so they can only be kept for about 14 days, so many people who buy them as gifts are often carefully advised on how to preserve them.

As new mooncake brands increasingly offer diverse designs and ingredients, traditional cakes are gradually losing their position in the market. However, Ms. Hau, like many other traditional bakers, is determined to preserve the traditional taste of cakes from ancient times, imbued with Vietnamese cultural identity.

Khach mua banh.

Customers buy cakes.
Phương Anh

Thị trường ế ẩm, bánh Trung thu truyền thống vẫn đắt hàng

Phương Anh |

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Lò bánh Trung thu lợn ỉ truyền thống hơn 30 năm ở Hà Nội

Phương Anh |

Bánh Trung thu lợn ỉ Ba Giầu nổi tiếng từ những năm 1988. Ông chủ giữ nghề vì mong trẻ em tìm thầy niềm vui trong ngày Tết trông trăng.

Bánh Trung thu Bảo Phương ngon cỡ nào mà khách xếp hàng cả tiếng chờ mua?

Phương Anh |

Hà Nội - Cửa hàng bánh Trung thu Bảo Phương hơn 70 năm tuổi là địa chỉ nổi tiếng với cảnh khách xếp hàng dài chờ mua, ùn tắc một đoạn phố Thụy Khuê.

Market is sluggish, traditional moon cakes are still in high demand

Phương Anh |

Hanoi - In contrast to the scene of many moon cake shops being deserted despite discounts, customers still line up to buy traditional moon cakes on Thuy Khue street.

Traditional 30-year-old mooncake oven in Hanoi

Phương Anh |

Ba Giau's pig mooncakes have been famous since 1988. The owner keeps the business because he wants children to find joy in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

How delicious are Bao Phuong mooncakes that customers line up for hours to buy them?

Phương Anh |

Hanoi - Bao Phuong mooncake shop , over 70 years old, is famous for its long queues of customers waiting to buy, causing traffic jams on a section of Thuy Khue street.