Traditional 30-year-old mooncake oven in Hanoi

Phương Anh |

Ba Giau's pig mooncakes have been famous since 1988. The owner keeps the business because he wants children to find joy in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Nam trong con ngo nho giua pho Nguyen Sieu tap nap nguoi qua lai, cu den do gan trung thu khong qua xa la hinh anh nguoi dan toi mua banh trung thu lon i ong Ba Giau. Goi la ong Ba Giau chu ten that cua ong la Truong Huu Ba. Sinh ra va lon len trong mot gia dinh co truyen thong hon 50 nam lam banh quy gai xop, sau khi nghi huu som ong quyet dinh lam banh trung thu de kiem them thu nhap. Anh: Phuong Anh
Located in a small alley in the middle of Nguyen Sieu Street, which is bustling with people, is Mr. Ba Giau's pig-shaped mooncake shop. Called Mr. Ba Giau, his real name is Truong Huu Ba. Born and raised in a family with a tradition of making sponge cakes for more than 50 years, Mr. Ba retired early and decided to make mooncakes to earn extra income. Photo: Phuong Anh
Y tuong lam banh lon i ra doi trong mot lan hai vo chong ong ba den nha ban choi o Tram Troi (Hoai Duc, Ha Noi). Nhin nhung dan lon con dang chen nhau bu me, ong Ba cu nghi mai den canh do nen ve nha ong quyet tam danh thoi gian nghien cuu cho ra thanh pham hoan hao. Anh: Phuong Anh
The idea of ​​making “Banh Lon I” (pig cake) was born when the couple visited a friend’s house in Tram Troi (Hoai Duc, Hanoi). Looking at the piglets crowded together to suckle their mother, Mr. Ba kept thinking about that scene, so when he got home, he was determined to spend time researching to create the perfect product. Photo: Phuong Anh
Nguyen lieu lam banh ong Ba chon loai bot my cao cap, chi dung banh va duong khong cho chat bao quan nen banh chi de duoc toi da hai tuan. Nhan banh co hai loai la dua va dau xanh – trung muoi. Ong Ba chia se: “Trung muoi toi phai dat trung vit ta de khi muoi khong bi tanh, nhan gom co dau xanh ben ngoai va trung muoi ben trong. Chi co lon me moi lam nhan dau xanh – trung muoi, con cac loai banh khac chu yeu la nhan dua ngot”. Anh: Phuong Anh
Mr. Ba chose high-quality flour to make the cake, using only cake and sugar without preservatives, so it can only be kept for a maximum of two weeks. There are two types of filling: coconut and green bean - salted egg. Mr. Ba shared: "For salted egg, I have to put duck eggs so that it does not smell when salted. The filling consists of green bean on the outside and salted egg on the inside. Only mother pigs can make green bean - salted egg filling, while other types of cakes are mainly sweet coconut filling." Photo: Phuong Anh
Ki cong nhat trong khau nan banh chinh la tao dang cho nhung chu in con, moi con nam bu me mot dang khac nhau tao nen buc tranh sinh dong, net que huong trong moi san pham ong lam ra. Ong Ba thuong rat ki tinh, ong thuong tu tay lam tung chu in chu khong de con cai lam thay. Cach day chuc nam, moi lan dip Tet Trung thu nha ong khach dat hang xep cao nhu nui, nhung nhung nam gan day suc khoe yeu dan nen vo chong ong ba cung khong nhan nhieu banh nua. Anh: Phuong Anh
The most elaborate step in making the cakes is shaping the piglets, each one suckling from its mother in a different position, creating a vivid picture, the rustic character in each product he makes. Mr. Ba is usually very meticulous, he often makes each piglet himself and does not let his children do it for him. Ten years ago, every time the Mid-Autumn Festival comes around, his family would place orders as high as a mountain, but in recent years, his health has been declining, so he and his wife have not accepted many orders anymore. Photo: Phuong Anh
Thoi gian nuong banh nho khoang 40 phut, nuong ca dan lon me va lon i con mat khoang 1 gio dong ho moi xong. Khi nuong ong Ba thuong quet them long do trung ga len tren cho banh sau khi nuong co mau dep mat. Gian bep nho cua vo chong ong Ba luc nao cung sach se, gon gang. Anh: Phuong Anh
It takes about 40 minutes to bake a small cake, and about 1 hour to bake a whole litter of mother and baby pigs. When baking, he often brushes egg yolk on top to give the cake a nice color. Mr. Ba and his wife's small kitchen is always clean and tidy. Photo: Phuong Anh
Mot cau chuyen nho khien ong Ba nho mai, ong vua nho lai ki niem vua vui ve ke: “Mot hom, tren duong di lam ve ong gap hai chi em dang dung tren duong. Co chi keo em gai dang khoc, do mai khong nin. Thay vay, ong lai gan rut to 10.000 dong cho co em nhung dua be van khong ngung khoc. Nghi mot hoi ong ve nha lay chiec banh hinh lon i dua cho hai dua tre, vua cam chu lon i nuong co em gai het khoc ngay lap tuc va say me ngam nghia voi nu cuoi that tuoi”. Vay nen voi ong, do la dieu man nguyen nhat khi ong lam ra banh trung thu lon i de co duoc tieng cuoi tre tho. Anh: Phuong Anh
A small story that Mr. Ba will always remember, he recalled the memory and happily told: “One day, on his way home from work, he saw two sisters standing on the side of the road. The older sister pulled the crying younger sister, trying to comfort her but she wouldn't stop crying. Seeing that, he approached and took out a 10,000 VND bill for the younger sister but the child still wouldn't stop crying. After thinking for a while, he went home and took out a pig-shaped cake and gave it to the two children. The little girl stopped crying immediately and looked at it with a big smile.” For him, the most satisfying thing about making pig-shaped moon cakes is hearing the laughter of children. Photo: Phuong Anh
Nhieu doan du khach nuoc ngoai thuong dat lich hen toi can nha nho cua vo chong ong Ba de tham thu, thuong thuc banh trung thu cung chen tra dac thom mui hoa buoi. Trong khong gian co net co kinh, thanh tao cua nguoi Ha Thanh xua hoa cung mui banh nuong thom phuc vo chong ong ba van giu nghe lam banh co truyen dang dan mai mot trong xa hoi hien dai. Anh: Phuong Anh
Many foreign tourist groups often make appointments to visit Mr. Ba and his wife's small house to visit and enjoy moon cakes with a cup of strong tea scented with grapefruit flowers. In the small house deep in the alley, Mr. Ba and his wife still maintain the traditional cake-making profession that is gradually fading away in modern society. Photo: Phuong Anh
Phương Anh

Bánh Trung thu Bảo Phương ngon cỡ nào mà khách xếp hàng cả tiếng chờ mua?

Phương Anh |

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Phương Anh |

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Thanh Hương |

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Phương Anh |

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Phương Anh |

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