![Duoc thiet ke theo phong cach Dong Duong co dien, tau hang sang Sjourney bao gom 13 toa, trong do co 10 toa ngu (moi phong 2 khach) va 2 toa nha hang. Tuy nhien, hien tai, PYS Travel, don vi khai thac, moi chi dua vao su dung 5 toa ngu va 2 toa nha hang.](https://media-cdn-v2.laodong.vn/storage/newsportal/2024/12/20/1438165/Tau-Hoa-5-Sao-06.jpg)
![Khong gian noi that duoc trang bi cao cap. Du khach co the lua chon loai phong ngu double hoac loai phong twin tuy theo nhu cau cua minh.](https://media-cdn-v2.laodong.vn/storage/newsportal/2024/12/20/1438165/Doan-Tau.jpg)
![Hai vi khach trong doan 30 khach quoc te dau tien trai nghiem doan tau. “Cabin cua chung toi rat tuyet, giac ngu tren tau rat ngon. Chung toi con co the xem dau bep che bien cac mon an va trai nghiem am thuc Viet Nam ngay tren tau. Toi thuc su rat hao huc cho chuyen nay vi ban than rat thich do an Viet va moi thu ve Viet Nam“, du khach My chia se.](https://media-cdn-v2.laodong.vn/storage/newsportal/2024/12/20/1438165/Khach-Di-Tau-Hoa-01.jpg)
![Moi buong co nha ve sinh rieng tu, voi trang thiet bi tien nghi cao cap nhu khach san.](https://media-cdn-v2.laodong.vn/storage/newsportal/2024/12/20/1438165/Tau-Hoa-5-Sao-04.jpg)
![Nha hang phuc vu ca am thuc dia phuong lan quoc te.](https://media-cdn-v2.laodong.vn/storage/newsportal/2024/12/20/1438165/Tau-5-Sao.jpg)
![Moi chuyen co suc chua tuong duong 60 du khach va se dua ho toi cac dia diem tham quan noi tieng o Viet Nam nhu Ninh Binh, Quang Binh, Hue, Hoi An, Nha Trang, Phan Thiet. 8 ngay di doc manh dat hinh chu S, du khach se co co hoi duoc chiem nguong nhung canh sac an tuong hai ben duong, tu dong ruong xanh bat ngat den doi nui trung trung diep diep. Tai cac thanh pho du lich noi bat, du khach se co thoi gian khoang mot ngay de tham thu.](https://media-cdn-v2.laodong.vn/storage/newsportal/2024/12/20/1438165/Tau-Hoa-5-Sao-02-01.jpg)
![Don vi khai thac cho biet mot nam doan tau se phuc vu khoang 2.000 luot khach, huong toi phan khuc khach du lich co kha nang chi tra cao. Anh: Don vi cung cap](https://media-cdn-v2.laodong.vn/storage/newsportal/2024/12/20/1438165/Tau-Hoa.jpg)
Ninh Phương (Ảnh: Sjourney) |
The journey from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City by 5-star train lasts 8 days and 7 nights, with a luxurious space like a mobile hotel.
Khanh Hoa - Cross-Vietnam train tourism is expected to be a new tourism product for 2025, attracting a large number of international tourists to Nha Trang.
Train travel "reigned" during the summer and National Day on September 2nd. Many travel companies believe that rail tours will increasingly attract customers.
Hanoi - Pho Duong Tau is a late-night dining spot that has been around for over 50 years and is no stranger to the people of the capital.
Korean tourists are excited about the luxury train travel experience in Central Vietnam. One train only serves a maximum of 12 passengers.
Phương Linh |
Khanh Hoa - Cross-Vietnam train tourism is expected to be a new tourism product for 2025, attracting a large number of international tourists to Nha Trang.
Huân Cao |
Train travel "reigned" during the summer and National Day on September 2nd. Many travel companies believe that rail tours will increasingly attract customers.
Phương Anh |
Hanoi - Pho Duong Tau is a late-night dining spot that has been around for over 50 years and is no stranger to the people of the capital.
Chi Trần |
Korean tourists are excited about the luxury train travel experience in Central Vietnam. One train only serves a maximum of 12 passengers.