Witness the superb pole vaulting skills of Hue youth


HUE - Young people from Gia Vien village (Phong Hien ward, Phong Dien town, Hue city) performed their superb pole-swinging skills, leaving the audience in awe.

Hoi du tien lang Gia Vien, thi xa Phong Dien, thanh pho Hue co truyen thong hang tram nam, duoc to chuc vao ngay 4 Tet Nguyen dan (tuc 1/2). Day la mot net van hoa dac sac cua dia phuong va la le hoi thu hut su quan tam cua nguoi dan va du khach.
Gia Vien Village Swing Festival, Phong Dien Town, Hue City has a tradition of hundreds of years. Held on the occasion of Lunar New Year, this is a unique local cultural feature and a festival that attracts the attention of locals and tourists.
Cu mung 4 Tet hang nam, nguoi dan lang Gia Vien keo nhau ve khu vuc dinh lang de thuong thuc va tham gia vui choi le hoi du tien truyen thong nay. Truoc Tet, dan lang da bat dau cong tac chuan bi cho le hoi. Trong do, cay du duoc lam tu nhung cay tre gia, cao va duoc dung len tren bai dat trong. Ben canh cay du, ban to chuc treo mot chiec khan do o do cao xap xi chieu cao gia du.
Every year on the 4th day of Tet, Gia Vien villagers gather at the communal house to enjoy and participate in this traditional swing festival. Before Tet, villagers have started preparing for the festival. The swing is made from old, tall bamboo trees and is erected on an empty lot. Next to the swing, the organizers hang a red scarf at a height approximately equal to the height of the swing stand.
Theo luat, nguoi du hoi du tien phai dua canh du bay cao va giat duoc chiec khan do moi thang cuoc. Do do, tro choi nay doi hoi nhung thanh nien phai co suc khoe, do deo dai va nhanh nhen.
According to the rules, the first person to swing high and grab the red scarf wins. Therefore, this game requires young people to be healthy, flexible and agile.
Vi thi dau o vi tri cao va phai di chuyen lien tuc nen nguoi choi duoc trang bi dung cu bao ho de dam bao an toan trong qua trinh tham gia le hoi.
Because they compete at high altitudes and have to move constantly, players are equipped with protective gear to ensure safety during the festival.
Mot bo lao uy tin cua lang mang ao dai khan dong du tien mo man hoi du.
A prestigious village elder wearing ao dai and turban opened the swing festival.
Sau do la phan tranh tai quyet liet va dep mat cua cac thanh nien, trong tieng reo ho co vu cua khan gia tao nen khong khi le hoi tung bung tai dia phuong nay.
Then there was a fierce and beautiful competition between the young men, in the cheers of the audience, creating a jubilant festival atmosphere in this locality.
 Dong dao nguoi dan va du khach den thuong thuong thuc le hoi.
Many people and tourists come to enjoy the festival.
Anh Nguyen Tan Tai, thanh nien tham gia hoi du, cho biet day la le hoi truyen thong co tu xa xua, vi vay thanh nien trong lang deu tham gia voi muc dich xay dung va gin giu net truyen thong ma cha ong de lai, dong thoi tao khong khi vui tuoi dau nam moi.
Mr. Nguyen Tan Tai, a young man participating in the swing festival, said that this is a traditional festival that has existed since ancient times, so all the young people in the village participate with the purpose of building and preserving the traditions left by their ancestors, while at the same time creating a joyful atmosphere at the beginning of the new year.
 Chan dung nguoi thang cuoc tai Hoi du tien lang Gia Vien.
Portrait of the winner at Gia Vien Village Swing Festival.
Hoi du tien truyen thong lang Gia Vien duoc to chuc nham muc dich ren luyen suc khoe, phat huy tinh than doan ket va cau mong mua thuan gio hoa, mot nam moi thang loi.
The traditional Gia Vien village swing festival is held to improve health, promote solidarity and pray for favorable weather and a successful new year.


Hue deserves to be the center of attention on the tourism map in 2025


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Future journey for Hue heritage city


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Banh tet is not only a Tet dish of Hue people


The custom of wrapping Chung cake and Tet cake holds a special place during the traditional Tet holiday, especially in the ancient capital of Hue.

Hue deserves to be the center of attention on the tourism map in 2025


HUE - Hue is preparing for the National Tourism Year 2025 with a series of special events, laying the foundation for the sustainable development of local tourism.

Future journey for Hue heritage city


HUE - For the first time in Vietnam, a centrally-governed city has been recognized as a heritage city. That is Hue City.

Banh tet is not only a Tet dish of Hue people

Tường Minh |

The custom of wrapping Chung cake and Tet cake holds a special place during the traditional Tet holiday, especially in the ancient capital of Hue.