Appearance of Hai Van Quan on the day of official completion of restoration


HUE - Completed restoration of Hai Van Quan - "The most majestic pass in the world" with majestic natural beauty and important strategic position in terms of military.

On December 21, Hue and Da Nang held a ceremony to announce the completion of the Project: "Preservation, restoration and promotion of the value of Hai Van Quan relic". Hai Van Quan relic was built during the Tran Dynasty and restored under King Minh Mang (1826) as a defensive pass.
Nhan thuc ro gia tri cua Hai Van Quan, chinh quyen Thua Thien Hue va Da Nang da danh gia noi day la mot tai nguyen du lich doc dao, co tiem nang lien ket vung va co the tro thanh “mo vang” neu duoc quan ly va khai thac mot cach khoa hoc, hieu qua.
Recognizing the value of Hai Van Quan, the authorities of Thua Thien Hue and Da Nang have assessed this place as a unique tourism resource, with potential for regional connectivity and can become a "gold mine" if managed and exploited scientifically and effectively.
Vi vay, hai dia phuong da tien hanh hoi sinh di tich, thong qua viec xep hang va trien khai du an trung tu, bao ton Hai Van Quan. Bat dau khoi cong tu 19.12.2021, Du an bao ton, tu bo, phuc hoi va phat huy gia tri di tich quoc gia Hai Van Quan voi tong muc dau tu hon 42 ti dong, moi dia phuong dong gop 50% tu nguon ngan sach da duoc hoan thanh.
Therefore, the two localities have revived the relic, through the classification and implementation of the Hai Van Quan restoration and conservation project. Starting from December 19, 2021, the project to preserve, restore, restore and promote the value of the Hai Van Quan national relic with a total investment of more than 42 billion VND, each locality contributing 50% from the budget has been completed.
Thuc hien du an nay, hai dia phuong Hue va Da Nang da tao lap mot hinh mau tieu bieu ve cong tac khoi phuc bao ton di san. Ben canh do, TP Hue da trien khai cac hoat dong phuc vu, thu hut du khach nhu thi diem nen tang check-in va ghi nhan su hien dien cua khach du lich tai di tich quoc gia Hai Van Quan.
By implementing this project, the two localities of Hue and Da Nang have created a typical model of heritage restoration and conservation. In addition, Hue City has deployed activities to serve and attract tourists such as piloting a check-in platform and recording the presence of tourists at the Hai Van Quan national relic.
Hien nay, hai thanh pho con day manh ung dung cong nghe thong minh, chuyen doi so; tang cuong dau tu co so vat chat, phuong tien phuc vu cong tac phat huy gia tri di tich quoc gia Hai Van Quan. Ngay 21.12, Hue va Da Nang da to chuc le cong bo hoan thanh Du an: “Bao ton, tu bo va phat huy gia tri di tich Hai Van Quan”.
Currently, the two cities are also promoting the application of smart technology and digital transformation; increasing investment in facilities and means to serve the work of promoting the value of the Hai Van Quan national relic.
Phat bieu tai buoi cong bo hoan thanh du an bao ton cong trinh Hai Van Quan, ong Nguyen Thanh Binh - Pho Chu tich Thuong truc tinh Thua Thien Hue khang dinh, viec quan ly, bao ton va phat huy gia tri lich su - van hoa va thien nhien gan voi di tich quoc gia Hai Van Quan la mot nhiem vu vo cung quan trong, gop phan vao su phat trien kinh te va xa hoi cua TP Hue va TP Da Nang.
Speaking at the announcement ceremony of the completion of the Hai Van Quan conservation project on December 21, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh - Permanent Vice Chairman of Thua Thien Hue province affirmed that the management, conservation and promotion of historical - cultural and natural values ​​associated with the Hai Van Quan national relic is an extremely important task, contributing to the economic and social development of Hue city and Da Nang city.
“Voi kien truc doc dao, co gia tri to lon ve lich su quan su, di tich quoc gia Hai Van Quan voi vi tri “doc nhat vo nhi” da va dang thu hut du khach trong va ngoai nuoc den tham quan va thuong ngoan. Hai Van Quan se tro thanh diem du lich hap dan, day hua hen, la niem tu hao cua con dan hai xu Thuan - Quang xua hay Hue - Da Nang ngay nay”, ong Nguyen Thanh Binh noi.
With its unique architecture and great military historical value, the Hai Van Quan national relic site with its “unique” location has been attracting domestic and foreign tourists to visit and enjoy. Hai Van Quan will become an attractive tourist destination, the pride of the people of the two ancient Thuan - Quang or Hue - Da Nang regions today.
The relic is about 90km north of Hue city center and about 28km south of Da Nang city center. Through the ups and downs of history, Hai Van Quan has witnessed many fierce battles in the struggle to protect the country.

People hope to have parking lots and souvenir stalls at Hai Van Quan


People in Da Nang petitioned for toilets, parking lots, and souvenir stalls at the Hai Van Quan historical site.

Efforts to restore Thai Hoa Palace completed earlier than expected


HUE - After nearly 3 years of restoration, Thai Hoa Palace is gradually revealed, the restoration process of Thai Hoa Palace may exceed the original completion schedule.

Hai Van Quan becomes a tourist connection point between Da Nang - Hue


From August, Hai Van Quan relic was put into operation. This is also a stop for tourists when coming to Hue and Da Nang.

People hope to have parking lots and souvenir stalls at Hai Van Quan

Nguyễn Linh |

People in Da Nang petitioned for toilets, parking lots, and souvenir stalls at the Hai Van Quan historical site.

Efforts to restore Thai Hoa Palace completed earlier than expected


HUE - After nearly 3 years of restoration, Thai Hoa Palace is gradually revealed, the restoration process of Thai Hoa Palace may exceed the original completion schedule.

Hai Van Quan becomes a tourist connection point between Da Nang - Hue

Nguyễn Linh |

From August, Hai Van Quan relic was put into operation. This is also a stop for tourists when coming to Hue and Da Nang.