See the square earthen houses of the Ha Nhi people

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Lao Cai - The box-shaped houses made of earth in Y Ty commune (Bat Xat) are an architectural feature imbued with the traditional culture of the Ha Nhi people.

Den voi xa vung cao Y Ty mua nay, du khach khong chi duoc cam nhan khong mat me, canh sac thien nhien tho mong ma con duoc ngam nhung can nha trinh tuong bang dat.
Coming to the highland commune of Y Ty this season, visitors can not only feel the cool air and poetic natural scenery but also see the earthen houses in Choan Then village.
Nha trinh tuong cua dong bao Ha Nhi o vung cao duoc lam bang dat, phu hop voi dieu kien khi hau khac nghiet. Kien truc nha trinh tuong cua nguoi Ha Nhi co phan dac biet hon la duoc lam dang hinh hop, vuong vuc.
The Ha Nhi people's rammed earth houses in the highlands are made of earth, suitable for harsh climate conditions. The architecture of the Ha Nhi people's rammed earth houses is somewhat more special in that they are made in a square, boxy shape.
Cac buc tuong duoc lam tu dat nen ky, co kha nang cach nhiet tot, giup ngoi nha am vao mua dong va mat vao mua he, thich hop voi khi hau vung cao.
The walls are made of well-rammed earth, which has good insulation, keeping the house warm in winter and cool in summer, suitable for the highland climate.
Mai nha duoc lop tu la cay rung nhu co tranh hoac tam go mong, co do doc lon de nuoc mua nhanh chong thoat di, giam thieu su xam thuc cua thoi tiet, gan day hien dai hon da phu mai ngoi hoac mai phi-bro xi-mang.
The roof is thatched from forest leaves such as thatch or thin wooden panels, with a steep slope to allow rainwater to drain quickly, minimizing weather erosion.
Cac ngoi nha nam san sat nhau, nhin xa nhu nhung chiec nam khong lo moc ben suon nui, an hien trong suong may tao nen khung canh tho mong.
The houses are located close together, from a distance they look like giant mushrooms growing on the mountainside, hidden in the mist and clouds creating a poetic scene.
Tren buc tuong la nhung to chim bo cau duoc nguoi dan nuoi.
On the wall are pigeon nests raised by the people.
Nguoi Ha Nhi thuong lam nha vao mua nong nhan tu thang 9 den thang 12 am lich, day cung la thoi diem it mua thuan loi cho viec dao dat de trinh tuong. Sau khi tim duoc dia diem va mau dat ung y, nguoi Ha Nhi bat dau lam mong nha. Mong nha duoc dao sau xuong nen dat khoang 1m va duoc xep bang nhung vien da cao cho den khi nen da hon mat dat khoang 50 cm.
The Ha Nhi people usually build houses during the off-season from September to December of the lunar calendar, which is also a time with little rain, which is favorable for digging the ground to build the walls. After finding a suitable location and land, the Ha Nhi people start building the house foundation. The house foundation is dug about 1 meter deep into the ground and is stacked with high stones until the stone foundation is about 50 cm above ground level.
De trinh duoc buc tuong day hinh nam doc dao, vung chac rat ky cong, ton nhieu cong suc, thoi gian keo dai hang thang troi; can su kheo leo va suc manh doi ban tay cua nhung nguoi thanh nien khoe manh, gia dat that nhuyen, ket dinh voi nhau nhu be tong.
To create a unique, sturdy, thick mushroom-shaped wall is a feat that requires a lot of effort and time, lasting for months. This process requires the dexterity and strength of the hands of strong young men, pounding the soil until it is soft and bonded together like concrete. The base of the house is reinforced with a layer of stone to create stability.
Theo tim hieu, thon Choan Then, xa Y Ty (Bat Xat) hien co 63 ho, voi hon 300 nhan khau, 100% la dong bao dan toc Ha Nhi. Hien nay, ba con trong thon dang bao ton nhung ngoi nha trinh tuong de phat trien du lich cong dong, don khach du lich. Tu do nang cao thu nhap, dong thoi bao ton ban sac van hoa o dia phuong.
Choan Then village, Y Ty commune (Bat Xat, Lao Cai) currently has 63 households, with more than 300 people, 100% of whom are Ha Nhi ethnic people. Currently, villagers are preserving rammed earth houses to develop community tourism and welcome tourists. This will increase income while preserving local cultural identity.
Cuoc song hang ngay cua ba con noi day van tiep dien theo thuong ngay nham giu gin net truyen thong von co.
The daily life of the people here still continues as usual to preserve the inherent traditions.
Ngay 30.10, trao doi voi PV Bao Lao Dong, Chu tich UBND xa Y Ty Tao Van Sinh cho biet: “Nguoi dan trong xa chu yeu la dan toc Ha Nhi, voi dac trung van hoa la nhung ngoi nha trinh tuong bang dat. Chung toi dang phoi hop voi cac nganh chuc nang de quy hoach phat trien du lich nham bao ton nhung gia tri truyen thong
On October 30, speaking with Lao Dong, Chairman of the People's Committee of Y Ty Commune Tao Van Sinh said: "The people in the commune are mainly Ha Nhi ethnic group, with a cultural characteristic of square-shaped earthen houses. The commune coordinates with functional agencies to plan, in order to preserve traditional values. We and the people are trying to maintain the status quo, not to break the structure. From there, create jobs and increase income for people from tourism development."
Đinh Đại

Du lịch Tây Bắc: Hẹn hò cùng mây trời Y Tý

Xuân Xuân |

Y Tý mộc mạc và thơ mộng làm say đắm biết bao trái tim mê du lịch, bởi những thửa ruộng bậc thang uốn lượn, mây sương bao phủ quanh năm.

Ngắm mùa hoa sơn tra bung nở bạt ngàn ở Y Tý

Ninh Phương |

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Ngắm nhìn nhà vách đất ở bản người Hà Nhì trên đường đến cực Tây


Trên đường đến cực Tây Tổ quốc có một bản nhỏ của người Hà Nhì khá hoang sơ và xinh đẹp được bao quanh bởi một dòng suối trong vắt...