Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast for the next 3 days from October 3 to October 5 nationwide


Weather Forecast for the next 3 days, cold air will increase in the North. From Phu Yen to Binh Thuan, the Central Highlands and the South may have scattered showers and thunderstorms.

Weather Forecast for tomorrow, October 3: Cold air increases, some places below 16 degrees


Weather Forecast for tomorrow, October 3, cold air will spread to the entire North, the weather will turn cold.

Typhoon Krathon affects a series of flights from Vietnam


Due to the impact of storm No. 5 Krathon, some airlines have adjusted flight schedules between Vietnam and Taiwan (China), South Korea, and Japan.

Typhoon Krathon forecast to weaken but potentially dangerous


Typhoon Krathon will weaken as it moves across Taiwan, but will still bring strong winds and widespread heavy rain.

Typhoon Krathon and Typhoon Jebi Threaten Japan at the Same Time


There are currently two strong typhoons heading towards Japan this week, in two different directions.

Weather Forecast today 2.10: Monsoon is coming, the weather is cold


Weather Forecast today 2.10 cold air increases, the North welcomes the northeast monsoon.

Forecast of the path and scope of influence of storm No. 5 Krathon


The Meteorological Center gives a forecast on the path and development of storm No. 5 Krathon in the East Sea.

The Northeast monsoon is coming, what is the coldest temperature in the North?


The Northeast monsoon has returned, causing significant weather changes in the Northern provinces.

Weather Forecast for tomorrow, October 2: Cold air flows in, the North cools down


Weather Forecast tomorrow 2.10 the North welcomes the Northeast monsoon, temperature drops.

Super typhoon Krathon is about to make landfall, with winds of 198 km/h


Super Typhoon Krathon is expected to make landfall in southern Taiwan (China) tonight, October 1, with the potential to cause severe damage.

Cold air flows to the North, some places below 16 degrees Celsius


As the Northeast monsoon arrives tonight, October 1, cold air has affected some mountainous areas in the North.

Weather Forecast today 1.10: Storm Krathon enters the East Sea, becomes storm number 5


Weather Forecast today 1.10 storm number 5 Krathon is moving into the East Sea, heavy rain in the North.

Typhoon Krathon enters the East Sea, hundreds of flights are canceled


Ahead of the forecast of Typhoon Krathon affecting Taiwan (China), some airlines have canceled or rescheduled flights on October 1.

Typhoon Krathon is likely to make landfall in Taiwan (China)


Typhoon Krathon is expected to make landfall in densely populated areas in southwestern Taiwan (China). Residents have been warned to evacuate.

Unpredictable developments of 2 low pressure systems appearing after storm Helene


Two tropical depressions operating in the Atlantic Ocean, Joyce and Twelve, have opposite developments.