Weather forecast for January 25, the Northwestern provinces will be cloudy with rain in some places, early morning with scattered fog and light fog, afternoon and evening with less clouds and sunshine. Light wind. Cold at night and in the morning, with some places being very cold.
If you intend to visit Moc Chau Plateau, Son La, visitors should pay attention to the current weather. The local temperature is fluctuating from 14-27 degrees Celsius, cloudy, with rain in some places, early morning with scattered fog and light fog, afternoon and evening with less clouds and sunshine. Light wind. Cold at night and morning.
With its specialties of flower seasons, endless green tea hills or picturesque backpacking routes, this land always has its own appeal to visitors from afar.

Weather forecast today in Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Hoa Binh, it will rain in some places. In Lai Chau, Dien Bien, it will be sunny. Lowest temperature from: 16-19 degrees Celsius, some places below 15 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature from: 22-25 degrees Celsius, some places in the Northwest above 27 degrees Celsius.