The current situation in Hanoi's Old Quarter after the pilot ban on vehicles with more than 16 seats

Lam Hải |

After nearly 20 days of piloting a ban on vehicles with more than 16 seats in the old town and around Hoan Kiem Lake, the traffic situation has improved significantly.

Tu ngay 1.3, thanh pho Ha Noi trien khai phuong an thi diem han che xe o to tren 16 cho hoat dong trong khu vuc pho co va xung quanh ho Hoan Kiem.
From March 1, Hanoi City has implemented a pilot plan to limit cars with more than 16 seats operating in the old town and around Hoan Kiem Lake.
Theo ghi nhan cua phong vien Lao Dong, sau gan mot thang thuc hien thi diem, tinh hinh giao thong tai khu vuc nay da co nhieu thay doi. Tu khi trien khai quy dinh moi, tinh trang un tac giam dang ke, duong pho thong thoang, da so chi co xe may, o to ca nhan va o to 16 cho di chuyen.
According to Lao Dong, after nearly 3 weeks of pilot implementation, the traffic situation in this area has changed a lot. Traffic congestion has decreased significantly, the streets are airy, most of which only have motorbikes, private cars and 16-seat cars moving.
Thoi gian khoang 7h30 - 8h30, nhieu doan khach, chu yeu la khach quoc te, bat dau di chuyen ra san bay hoac tham quan cac dia diem trong thanh pho. Loat khach san chu dong bo tri san o to 16 cho de dam bao khong vi pham lenh cam.
At around 7:30 - 8:30 every day, many groups of tourists, mainly international visitors, start traveling to the airport or visiting locations in the city. furthermore, hotels have proactively arranged 16-seat cars to ensure that they do not violate regulations.
Thinh thoang van co the bat gap nhung xe o to lon di trong khu vuc tuyen pho bi cam nhung khong dung do lau.
At around 8:10 a.m. on March 18, on Bao Khanh Street towards the Great Church, there were still tourist vehicles with more than 16 seats operating. However, vehicles only drive through a street that is prohibited from parking.
Ba Nguyen Thanh Xuan, mot cu dan tai khu vuc pho Nha Chung, chia se: “Tu ngay co quy dinh moi, tinh trang un tac giao thong giam dang ke. Truoc day, xe 30 - 40 cho di lai nhieu, tuy thuan tien cho khach du lich nhung duong pho tac nghen, o nhiem khoi bui lam anh huong den cuoc song sinh hoat cua nguoi dan“.
Ms. Nguyen Thanh Xuan, a resident in Nha Chung street area, shared: Since the new regulations were issued, traffic congestion has decreased significantly. Previously, although the lot of cars with 30 - 40 seats was convenient for tourists, the streets were congested, and smoke and dust pollution affected people's lives.
Truoc nhung quy dinh moi cua thanh pho Ha Noi, khach du lich to ra kha thoai mai va hai long. Brian, nam du khach nguoi Anh chia se: “Chung toi co the de dang di bo quanh khu vuc ho Guom vi khong co nhieu xe lon. Neu tham quan nhung dia diem xa hon, se co xe 16 cho den don tai cua khach san“.
Faced with the new regulations of Hanoi city, tourists seem quite comfortable and satisfied.
Viec han che xe o to ra vao mot so tuyen pho khong chi giup viec di lai, sinh hoat cua nguoi dan tro nen thuan loi hon ma con gop phan nang cao trai nghiem cua du khach khi tham quan thu do Ha Noi.
Limiting cars with more than 16 seats to operate on some streets not only makes people's travel and living more convenient but also contributes to improving the experience of tourists when visiting the capital Hanoi. Brian, a British tourist, shared: We could easily walk around Hoan Kiem Lake because there were not many big cars. If you visit further away, there will be a 16-seat car to pick you up at the hotel gate.
Tuy nhien, vao gio cao diem, viec co nhieu xe o to 16 cho den don khach lam anh huong den su trang nghiem cua mot so cong trinh mang tinh bieu tuong cua thanh pho.
However, during rush hour, the ban on 16-seat vehicles has forced travel agencies to arrange many 7- to 14-seat vehicles to pick up groups of tourists, and vehicles are parked in front of hotel doors.
Khong the dung do lau, tai xe va nhan vien dieu phoi tour, nhan vien khach san phai lien tuc cap nhat thong tin, nhanh chong tim va huong dan du khach len xe de tranh un tac. Nhieu xe tour den muon hoac den/di chop nhoang cung khien du khach cam thay hoang mang, lo lang vi kho long tim duoc dung xe cua doan minh.
Unable to stop for long, drivers and tour coordinators and hotel staff must continuously coordinate and guide tourists to get on the bus to avoid congestion.
Currently, tourist parking lots with more than 16 seats are temporarily arranged on a number of other routes. However, this is not a specialized parking lot but only a temporary lot, each location can only accommodate 4-5 vehicles, limiting the reception of visitors.
Voi su dieu chinh hop ly trong tuong lai, Ha Noi co the vua bao ton duoc net dac trung cua pho co vua dam bao giao thong thong thoang va tien loi hon cho tat ca moi nguoi.
To date, the pilot ban on vehicles with more than 16 seats on some streets during peak hours has brought many significant benefits, helping to improve traffic congestion and walking space for people and tourists. Some travel businesses expressed their desire for the regulations to be adjusted further after the pilot period to create favorable conditions for tourism businesses to operate, contributing to preserving the characteristics of the old town, improving the environment, and making transportation more open for both people and tourists.
Lam Hải

Hanoi Old Town hotels avoid welcoming guests during rush hour when vehicles with more than 16 seats are banned


From March 1, Hanoi will pilot a ban on vehicles with more than 16 seats at certain times in the old town and around Hoan Kiem Lake, hotels and travel companies are looking to adapt.

Concerns about the ban on vehicles with more than 16 seats entering Hanoi's Old Quarter


Although agreeing with the pilot plan to ban vehicles with more than 16 seats, some hotels and tourism businesses in the old town are struggling to find solutions.

Vehicle ban schedule around Xuan Huong Lake during Da Lat Flower Festival


Lam Dong - During the Da Lat Flower Festival, from now until December 31, cars with more than 29 seats are not allowed to circulate around Xuan Huong Lake.

Hanoi Old Town hotels avoid welcoming guests during rush hour when vehicles with more than 16 seats are banned

Lam Hải |

From March 1, Hanoi will pilot a ban on vehicles with more than 16 seats at certain times in the old town and around Hoan Kiem Lake, hotels and travel companies are looking to adapt.

Concerns about the ban on vehicles with more than 16 seats entering Hanoi's Old Quarter

Chí Long |

Although agreeing with the pilot plan to ban vehicles with more than 16 seats, some hotels and tourism businesses in the old town are struggling to find solutions.

Vehicle ban schedule around Xuan Huong Lake during Da Lat Flower Festival

Đan Thanh |

Lam Dong - During the Da Lat Flower Festival, from now until December 31, cars with more than 29 seats are not allowed to circulate around Xuan Huong Lake.