Tra Ngoc Hang: I want to spread the spirit of sports


With a love of sports, Tra Ngoc Hang organizes a Pickleball tournament, donating profits to charity.

The tournament will take place over two days, October 25 and 26, in Ho Chi Minh City. The total prize value for the Kootoro Pickleball Tournament 2024 is up to more than 280 million VND.

Tra Ngoc Hang hopes to convey the message that Pickleball is a healthy sport, good for health if practiced consistently.

“I want people to have a more positive view of Pickleball. Therefore, I hope that through the tournament, people will respect the value of professional Pickleball athletes, those who love and are practicing Pickleball,” Tra Ngoc Hang shared.

Accordingly, 20% of revenue from organizing the Kootoro Pickleball tournament 2024 will be donated to help disadvantaged children and orphans in Ho Chi Minh City.

Tra Ngoc Hang
Tra Ngoc Hang and the organizers share about the tournament. Photo: Artist provided

Regarding the opportunity to come to the sport of Pickleball, Tra Ngoc Hang once said that, not only Pickleball, she considers playing sports such as swimming, tennis, yoga... simply to exercise and maintain a toned body.

“I don’t go to the field to show off beautiful photos, I simply like playing sports and the more I play, the more excited I feel. Therefore, even though I am busy with my business, I still set aside a fixed amount of time to practice sports,” Tra Ngoc Hang confided.


Tra Ngoc Hang impresses in new photo series


In the latest fashion photo series, Tra Ngoc Hang appears in 3 outfits with unique curly hair.

Tra Ngoc Hang impresses in new photo series

Di Py |

In the latest fashion photo series, Tra Ngoc Hang appears in 3 outfits with unique curly hair.

Trà Ngọc Hằng không định hướng con gái theo nghệ thuật

Di Py |

Trà Ngọc Hằng không định hướng con gái theo nghệ thuật mà để con tự do lựa chọn. Tuy vậy, cô bé lại bộc lộ nhiều đam mê về ca hát, vẽ tranh và nhảy múa.

Trà Ngọc Hằng bật mí lợi ích khi cho con gái học yoga


Trà Ngọc Hằng có đam mê tập thể dục thể thao để giữ gìn vóc dáng. Giờ đây, khi con gái Sophia đã lớn, có thể đồng hành cùng mẹ nhiều hơn, Trà Ngọc Hằng cũng truyền cho con gái tinh thần đó.

Học cách mix match bikini cùng Trà Ngọc Hằng


Trà Ngọc Hằng nhận được nhiều lời khen ngợi khi chọn khoác lên mình bộ bikini quyến rũ.