"Bounty Master" has the participation of Truong Giang, Lam Vy Da, BB Tran, Mac Van Khoa, Huynh Lap, Quang Trung, Miss Nguyen Thuc Thuy Tien...
"Bounty Hunter" is a reality TV show that is different from other entertainment shows. With the ultimate goal of finding treasure, the participants must both put their all into physical and intellectual games to gain an advantage in copying items to get data to solve puzzles, and must also use logic to find the location of the hidden treasure.
However, players must always "hide" and distract the remaining members to avoid suspicion and "exposure".
As the host of the game show "Bounty Hunter Master", Truong Giang revealed that the cast often thinks he "knows everything" but in reality, he knows nothing.
When participating in filming a reality show and having to be away from home for many days, Truong Giang said that his wife supported him. As artists, the couple understands each other very well and sympathizes with each other in both work and life.