Inspiring message for students at the Graduation Ceremony

Vân Trang |

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Chairman of the Council of the University of Economics, VNU, had "inspiring" messages to send to more than 1,000 graduates of the first batch of 2024.

The University of Economics - VNU has just held the first Graduation Ceremony of 2024 for more than 1,000 new doctors, masters and bachelors of the University at the National Convention Center.

The first batch of degrees awarded in 2024 has 15 doctors, 85 masters and 937 bachelors graduating from majors such as: Economics, Business Administration, Banking and Finance, Accounting, Development Economics, International Economics and Economy.

The joy of students at the graduation ceremony. Photo: UEB
The joy of students at the graduation ceremony. Photo: UEB

At the ceremony, the school board of directors awarded certificates of merit from the Director of Hanoi National University to 6 students of the QH-2020-E course. The students achieved excellent results in the course and graduated as valedictorians of their majors.

The School Board of Directors awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Director of VNU to students who achieved excellent results in the course and graduated as valedictorian of each major. Photo: UEB
The School Board of Directors awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Director of VNU to students who achieved excellent results in the course and graduated as valedictorian of each major. Photo: UEB

Associate Professor, Dr. Le Trung Thanh, Rector of the University of Economics, hopes that in the face of new challenges, new bachelors, masters, and doctors will continue to strive, constantly learn, and always maintain a strong spirit. determined in all activities, not afraid of difficulties, ready to contribute to the community and the Fatherland.

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Chairman of the Council of the University of Economics, VNU, sent a message and inspired new bachelors, new masters, and doctors at the graduation ceremony.

Lao Dong Newspaper quotes the speech of Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Truc Le as follows:

"Today's graduation ceremony is the day you officially declare to society that a class of talented young people from the University of Economics, a generation of global citizens with Vietnamese national identity, is ready to bring your heart - virtue - intelligence - talent to serve your country and Fatherland.

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Chairman of the University Council of the University of Economics - VNU
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Chairman of the University Council of the University of Economics - VNU. Photo: UEB

After today's ceremony, it is also time for teachers and students to temporarily say goodbye after 4 years together, study and practice together, overcome many challenges together, develop practical combat skills, and write together. So the memories of student youth are memorable. They also experienced many different learning cultures around the world and together created good values ​​for the school and society...

At this important moment, before you say goodbye to the UEB house to continue your new journey in life, I hope that the heartfelt words I send to you today will also be carried in your backpack. my life.

First of all, I hope you always keep your faith in the good things in life. Life inherently always has opposite sides, like there is day - there is night, there is light - there is darkness, there is happiness - there is sadness.

It can originate from moments of rashness, impulsiveness, foolishness, arrogance... of youth. It may cost you a certain price, but don't rush to lose faith in this beautiful life. Let's turn all those dark corners, those low notes into complete beauty in your life.

The second thing I want to tell you is that we should live together with kindness. Together we promote honesty and respect. They have learned how to keep their hearts close and their eyes far away.

They have learned how to serve others so that others can serve them - that is how the teachers have carefully guided them throughout their 4 years of college youth.

Teachers are always here waiting for your next experiences. Remember that UEB is always a loving home, a place ready to open its arms to welcome you back.

Finally, I hope that you will instill in yourself a resilient will in life and a noble sense of national responsibility.

The Vietnamese people are inherently a resilient people, having spent thousands of years building and defending the country. The peaceful, prosperous, and happy life that teachers and students are enjoying now is definitely the result of generations of ancestors who fought steadfastly and sacrificed their lives to win every inch of land and hill. …

I firmly believe that the heroic blood and resilient will of our UEB students are still leading them to the ideal of a noble life, an honorable life, and a meaningful life.

Attach yourself to the country's mission in this era, live a life of dedication, express yourself. There will be times when you stumble, there will be times when you get discouraged, but that is when we learn lessons and stand up strong to move on.

Go, don't be afraid of the storm, step boldly to become bigger, to change your life...

Farewell today, hope to see you again someday.

"Good bye to see you again! Wishing you all the best!".

Vân Trang

Triển vọng nghề nghiệp của sinh viên Ngôn ngữ Nhật trường Đại học CMC


Không chỉ đơn thuần là trang bị kiến thức ngôn ngữ, trường Đại học CMC hướng đến việc đào tạo cử nhân ngành Ngôn ngữ Nhật theo hướng thực hành, ưu tiên trải nghiệm thực tập sớm tại doanh nghiệp thuộc Tập đoàn công nghệ CMC và đối tác, sẵn sàng đáp ứng nhu cầu ngày càng cao của thị trường lao động. Sinh viên sẽ được học chương trình sát với thực tiễn, được trau dồi kỹ năng mềm và có cơ hội làm việc tại Nhật Bản.

FPT Shop tung “đặc quyền” dành riêng cho tân sinh viên khi mua laptop


Trong khuôn khổ chiến dịch “back to school” của FPT Shop, từ ngày 17.7 đến 31.10.2024, các bạn học sinh - sinh viên có thể dễ dàng sở hữu một chiếc laptop/PC với giá chỉ từ 5,99 triệu đồng. Đặc biệt, bên cạnh chương trình giảm giá đến 50%, các tân sinh viên còn nhận được “siêu ưu đãi” trong mùa tựu trường này. Các sĩ tử sở hữu mức điểm thi THPT Quốc gia càng cao sẽ được hệ thống dành tặng ưu đãi càng lớn.

Sinh viên 5 trường đại học lớn trên thế giới giao lưu học tập tại Đà Nẵng

Trần Thi |

Từ ngày 13 – 27.7, trường Đại học Duy Tân (TP Đà Nẵng) phối hợp với 5 trường đại học lớn đến từ nhiều nơi trên thế giới tổ chức chương trình INCiTE Summer School 2024.

Career prospects of Japanese Language students at CMC University


Not simply equipping language knowledge, CMC University aims to train bachelors in Japanese Language in a practical manner, prioritizing early internship experience at enterprises belonging to CMC Technology Group and for cooperation, ready to meet the increasing needs of the labor market. Students will learn a program that is close to reality, hone soft skills and have the opportunity to work in Japan.

FPT Shop launches "privileges" exclusively for new students when buying laptops


Within the framework of FPT Shop 's "back to school" campaign , from July 17 to October 31, 2024, students can easily own a laptop/PC for only 5.99 million VND. In particular, besides the 50% discount program, new students also receive "super deals" during this back-to-school season. Students with higher National High School Exam scores will receive greater incentives from the system.

Students from 5 major universities in the world exchange and study in Da Nang

Trần Thi |

From July 13 to 27, Duy Tan University ( Da Nang City ) cooperates with 5 major universities from many parts of the world to organize the INCiTE Summer School 2024 program.