Why does skin care feel fun?

Nhật Minh (Theo elle.fr) |

According to Elle magazine, skin care products can have a positive impact on mental health.

The connection between the skin and the brain

According to many skin care brands, beautiful skin and stable mental health are closely linked.

According to The Atlantic, some substances found in beauty products sold on the market have positive effects on mental health and have a direct impact on the brain.

For example, 5-HTP - a compound extracted from the seeds of the African shrub Griffonia simplicifolia. This is an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin, thereby helping to bring about healthier skin and making people happier.

Additionally, beta-endorphin, a neuropeptide, has the ability to counteract the stress hormone (cortisol). At the same time, it can help relax or rebalance the skin. In addition, beta-endorphin is a natural pain reliever, helping to improve and stabilize mood.

The impact of skin health on mental health and vice versa

Skin care can also have an effect on mental health, according to Jean-Claude Le Joliff, founder of Cosmetitheque.

“When you apply something to your skin, it not only has a direct effect on that area of ​​skin, but it also has a very good effect on the brain. For example, using a fragrant lotion (like lavender), which has a moist and fresh texture, will activate the user's brain system. This can help the human spirit feel more excited."

Also according to Jean-Claude Le Joliff, the reason for the above wonderful effect is that once the skin creams come into contact with the epidermis, they will send a message to the brain, like a neurotransmitter, to help people relax.

Nhật Minh (Theo elle.fr)