Samsung also introduced its latest flagship Neo QLED 8K QN990F TV and exciting updates to its Lifestyle TV line, future-proof display technologies that reflect Samsung’s vision of transforming screens into intelligent, versatile companions that simplify and enrich everyday life.
“Samsung sees TVs not as a one-dimensional device for passive content consumption, but as intelligent, interactive companions that adapt to your needs,” said SW Yong, President and Head of Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “With Samsung Vision AI, we are redefining what screens can do, connecting entertainment, personalization and lifestyle solutions into a seamless experience that simplifies life.”
Samsung Vision AI represents the next step in our journey to deliver seamless, intuitive, intelligent display experiences.
With the ability to help Samsung TVs recognize their surroundings, adapt to user preferences and automatically provide intuitive features, Samsung Vision AI turns screens into intelligent companions, enhancing entertainment experiences, simplifying interactions and seamlessly integrating into connected living.
The key to Samsung Vision AI is personalization features that can change the way users interact with the display.
Samsung Vision AI also positions displays as hubs for smart living.