On December 1, the Investigation Police Agency of Tra On District Police, Vinh Long Province, announced that it had issued a decision to temporarily detain Nguyen Chi Nguyen (born in 1991, residing in Ninh Binh Hamlet, Tan Binh Commune, Cang Long District, Tra Vinh Province) to investigate the act of "Illegal possession of narcotics".
At around 4:30 p.m. on November 30, the Criminal, Economic and Drug Police force of Tra On District Police inspected the market area in My Trung hamlet, Tra On town (according to reports from local residents). They discovered a suspicious motorcyclist entering the area, so the force asked the vehicle to stop for inspection.
However, the subject did not comply and abandoned the vehicle to escape and resist the police force. The subject threw a package wrapped in black tape onto the road. However, the subject was later subdued and arrested by the police.
During the investigation, the suspect revealed his name as Nguyen Chi Nguyen. The seized exhibits included: 2 black packages containing white crystals suspected to be drugs, VND 1,180,000 in cash, and many related exhibits.
The results of the examination showed that the crystals were drugs with a total mass of 5.654 grams.
Currently, the police continue to investigate, consolidate records, and handle according to the provisions of law.