The rare "carp turning into a dragon" scene on the Thai Binh infinity sea


The image of a cloud resembling a carp turning into a dragon in the Thai Binh sky caused a fever in the online community.

The online community cannot help but admire the interesting natural phenomenon in many districts of Thai Binh province. On the afternoon of August 4, a series of tourists took photos of a pink cloud shaped exactly like a carp rising and separating from the large cloud, creating a magnificent scene on the infinity coast.

The image of a cloud shaped like a carp crossing the Vu Mon caused a fever. Photo: Nguyen Trong Cung
The image of a cloud shaped like a carp crossing the Vu Mon caused a fever. Photo: Nguyen Trong Cung

This moment quickly spread on social networking platforms with the description of "a carp crossing the Vu Mon" in Thai Binh. From another perspective, tourists imagine the image of a carp preparing to cross Vu Mon Quan with a cloud shaped like a gate in front.

The cloud shaped like a carp was about to pass Vu Mon Quan. Photo: Hiep Lee

Initially, many people suspected that this image was a product of editing technology, embellished with vibrant colors. But when videos recording this magical scene were widely shared, we all couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of nature.

Many people believe that this cloud scene also has folk meaning. According to traditional beliefs, "carp crossing Vu Mon" is a symbol of constant effort and desire to rise in life. At the same time, this is also a symbol of success and prosperity. Therefore, many people believe that the phenomenon of a cloud shaped like a carp turning into a dragon is a lucky omen for those who have the opportunity to see it.

Many local people and tourists present in many localities such as Diem Dien beach, Quang Lang beach... were lucky to witness and record this rare moment. This is the sea area known as the " infinity sea " in Thai Binh.

Tourists check in with a carp-shaped sky. Photo: Duc Ke
Tourists check in with a carp-shaped sky above the infinity sea in Thai Binh. Photo: Duc Ke

Not stopping there, at different times this strange cloud also has different shapes. Some photographers have captured unique images of this cloud in many shapes, from two carp flying together, to a cloud with a carp that has turned into a dragon.

The scene of both carp turning into dragons. Photo: Ha Th Quyet
The scene of both carp turning into dragons. Photo: Ha Th. Decision
The scene of a carp successfully turning into a dragon. Photo: To Manh
The scene of a carp successfully turning into a dragon. Photo: To Manh

This amazing natural phenomenon not only creates an interesting topic on social networks but also evokes pride in the natural beauty of the homeland for Thai Binh people.

Many people expressed their hope that more such beautiful moments will be recorded and shared, contributing to promoting the beauty of Thai Binh in particular and Vietnam in general.


Khu vực nào chịu ảnh hưởng của 2 cơn bão nhiệt đới trên Thái Bình Dương?


Hai cơn bão nhiệt đới Daniel và Carlotta đang hoạt động trên vùng biển phía đông Thái Bình Dương, gây ảnh hưởng đến các khu vực lân cận.

Nhiều hoạt động đặc sắc tại Tuần Du lịch tỉnh Thái Bình 2024


Thái Bình - Từ ngày 25.6 - 2.7, tại Công viên Kỳ Bá (TP.Thái Bình, tỉnh Thái Bình) diễn ra Tuần Du lịch tỉnh Thái Bình và Hội chợ triển lãm, xúc tiến, đầu tư, thương mại TP. Thái Bình năm 2024.

Bình minh đẹp như mơ trên biển Đồng Châu ở Thái Bình

Thanh Hải |

Dù không nổi tiếng như biển “vô cực”Thái Bình, biển Đồng Châu có khung cảnh bình minh ngoạn mục không thua kém.