Cloud hunting at Violak Pass is as beautiful as Sa Pa and Ta Xua

Lam Hải |

Besides famous places like Sa Pa (Lao Cai), Ta Xua (Son La)..., Violak Pass (Quang Ngai) is a beautiful cloud hunting spot that not many people know about.

Deo Violak nam tren quoc lo 24, ngay giua hai huyen Kon Plong (Kon Tum) va Ba To (Quang Ngai). Co do cao gan 1.300m so voi muc nuoc bien, Violak la diem ly tuong de san may, do deo, ngam canh dep nhu tranh ve. Anh: NVCC
Violak Pass is located on Highway 24, right between Kon Plong District (Kon Tum) and Ba To District (Quang Ngai). With an altitude of nearly 1,300m above sea level, Violak is an ideal place to hunt clouds, go downhill, and enjoy the picturesque scenery. Photo: Interviewee
Cach noi minh sinh song khong qua xa, dong thoi xem duoc nhieu nhung video, review ve dia diem san may dep nhat Quang Ngai, anh Nguyen Thanh Nhan (31 tuoi, Quang Ngai) da quyet dinh cung ban be den deo Violak san may va co ket qua my man. Anh: NVCC
After watching many videos and reviews about the most beautiful cloud hunting spots in Quang Ngai, Nguyen Thanh Nhan (31 years old, Quang Ngai) decided to go to Violak Pass with his friends to hunt clouds and had a satisfactory result. This location is not too far from the city center. Photo: Interviewee
“Vi deo cao nen cang gan toi noi thi khong khi cang lanh, suong mu bay bay mo loi di, nhat la vao sang som. Ngoai ra, minh cung co the cam nhan khong khi tai day trong lanh hon han so voi thanh pho”, anh Nhan cho biet. Anh: NVCC
“Because the pass is high, the closer we get to the place, the colder the air gets, and fog obscures the path, especially in the early morning. In addition, I can also feel that the air here is much fresher than in the city,” said Mr. Nhan. Photo: Interviewee
Dung nhu ky vong, bien may tai Violak khien anh va ban be phai choang ngop: “Khoanh khac mat troi bat dau lo dang va chieu nhung tia nang dau tien xuyen qua lop may dang bay ngang tam mat, minh co the thay ro nui non hung vi xa xa. May dep, nhieu va gan, dun len tung lop nhu nhung con song trang tren bien”. Anh: NVCC
As expected, the sea of ​​clouds at Violak left him and his friends stunned: “The moment the sun began to appear and shine its first rays through the clouds floating across my eyes, I could clearly see the majestic mountains in the distance. The clouds were beautiful, numerous and close, rising in layers like white waves on the sea.” Photo: Interviewee
Theo anh Nhan, de san may thanh cong, anh va ban be phai day chuan bi va khoi hanh tu 4h sang. Thoi tiet lanh, duong toi, dat da go ghe, nguy hiem cung con buon ngu la nhung kho khan phai danh doi de duoc chiem nguong khung canh dep nhu tranh ve. Ngoai ra, duong di se co nhieu khuc cua, doc len xuong lien tuc nen yeu cau tay lai phai cung, day dan kinh nghiem. Anh: NVCC
Mr. Nhan and his friends had to get up and get ready to leave at 4am. Cold weather, dark roads, rough and dangerous terrain, and drowsiness were the difficulties they had to overcome to admire the picturesque scenery. In addition, the road would have many bends and continuous ups and downs, so it required a strong and experienced driver. Photo: Interviewee
“Nhom minh thong nhat ve thoi gian, dia diem xuat phat cung nhu chuan bi “chien ma” day du xang dau de khong anh huong toi chuyen di. Bon minh cung chuan bi quan ao that ky vi buoi sang troi rat lanh”, anh Nhan cho biet. Anh: NVCC
“Our group agreed on the time and place of departure as well as prepared enough fuel so as not to affect the trip. We also prepared our clothes carefully because it was very cold in the morning,” said Mr. Nhan. Photo: Interviewee
Neu muon san may tai day, du khach nen xem ky thoi tiet. Thuong toi hom truoc troi quang, nhin ro sao thi hom sau se co may va nang. Neu di theo nhom dong nguoi, nen thong nhat ky cang ve dia diem, thoi gian xuat phat cung nhu an nhe tu truoc va mang theo nuoc uong de dam bao suc khoe khi di duong. Anh: NVCC
If you want to hunt for clouds here, visitors should carefully check the weather. Usually the night before is clear, the stars are visible, the next day there will be clouds and sunshine. If you go in a large group, you should carefully agree on the location, departure time as well as have a light meal in advance and bring drinking water to ensure your health on the road. Photo: Interviewee
“Moi nguoi phai ha quyet tam san duoc may, hen gio va thuc day som de di va khong “be keo” vi lanh, luoi hay buon ngu”, anh Nhan chia se. Anh: NVCC
“Everyone must be determined to hunt clouds, set a timer and wake up early to go and not “break the deal” because of cold, laziness or sleepiness,” Mr. Nhan shared. Photo: Interviewee
Ngoai Violak, anh Nhan cho rang du khach co the tham khao nhung dia diem du lich noi tieng khac tai Quang Ngai nhu dao Ly Son, chua Minh Duc, hang Yen, Tuyet Tinh Coc, chua An Buong, cau Co Luy… cung co khung canh rat dep, de mang ve nhieu buc anh “song ao”. Anh: NVCC
In addition to Violak, Mr. Nhan thinks that tourists can refer to other famous tourist destinations in Quang Ngai such as Ly Son Island, Minh Duc Pagoda, Yen Cave, Tuyet Tinh Coc, An Buong Pagoda, Co Luy Bridge... which also have very beautiful scenery, easy to bring back many "virtual life" photos. Photo: Interviewee
Dac biet, cach deo Violak chi 50km la Mang Den – “thien duong” du lich ly tuong cho nhung nguoi thich su yen binh, tinh lang, gan gui thien nhien, phu hop de “sac nang luong” sau nhung giay phut hoc tap va lam viec met moi. Anh: La Phan
In particular, only 50km from Violak Pass is Mang Den - an ideal tourist "paradise" for those who love peace, quiet, closeness to nature, suitable for "recharging" after tiring moments of studying and working. Photo: La Phan
“Minh nghi la du di xa hay gan, di mot minh hay di voi ai, noi nao ban than minh chua tung di thi noi do deu dang de trai nghiem. Neu co co hoi, moi nguoi dung tu choi bat cu co hoi nao de duoc di, duoc mo mang tam mat va tich luy trai nghiem cua minh”, anh Nhan khang dinh. Anh: NVCC
“I think that whether you go far or near, alone or with someone, any place you have never been to is worth experiencing. If you have the chance, don’t turn down any opportunity to travel, broaden your horizons and gain experience,” Nhan affirmed. Photo: Interviewee
Lam Hải

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