return to Soc Trang to attend the 300-year Sea blessing Festival of the Khmer people


Soc Trang - The Sea blessing Festival has the meaning of praying for favorable weather, thank you for the sea that has given you many shrimp and fish, thank you for the alluvial land for the bumper crop.

Le hoi Phuoc bien (Chroi rum chek) tai phuong 2 (TX Vinh Chau, tinh Soc Trang) la Le hoi dan gian cua dong bao dan toc Khmer duoc duy tri hon 300 nam qua.
The Sea blessing Festival ( chroi rum chek) in Ward 2 (Vinh Chau Town, Soc Trang Province) is a folk festival of the Khmer people that has been maintained for over 300 years. The ceremony takes place in the middle of the second lunar month every year with the meaning of praying for national peace, favorable weather, and peace, remembering the ancestors who made the land public and established the land, thanking the sea for giving many shrimp and fish, thanking the alluvial land for the bumper harvest, thanking all for bringing the land and people of Vinh Chau sea a prosperous and happy life.
Ban dau le nay chi dien ra tu phat voi quy mo nho, hinh thanh tu y tuong cua mot nha su nguoi Khmer ten la Ta Hu. Luc dau, ong dung mot ngoi thap tren giong cat, gan chua Ca Sang (Srei Krosang) o lang bien xa Vinh Chau, huyen Vinh Chau, tinh Soc Trang, nay cung la noi to chuc le hoi de dong bao Phat tu den thap huong, thanh tam khan bai. Ong chon ngay ram thang 2 am lich (tuc ram thang 11 cua nguoi Khmer) de lap dan lam phuoc, vi day la thoi diem troi yen, bien lang, ngu dan nao di bien ve thuyen cung day ap tom ca. Sau do dan dan buoi lam phuoc nay duoc nhieu nguoi dan quan tam, nhiet tinh huong hung vi no dap ung duoc tam nguyen cua ho. Tu do, Le Cung Phuoc Bien hinh thanh va tro thanh mot le hoi truyen thong khong chi cua nguoi Khmer ma con cua ca nguoi Viet va nguoi Hoa song quanh vung nay.
Initially, this festival only took place spontaneously on a small scale, formed from the idea of a Khmer monk named Ta Hu and Mr. Luot Pol. At first, he built a tower on a sand cage near Ca Sang pagoda in Vinh Chau commune coastal village. He chose the full moon day of the 2nd lunar month to set up a herd as a blessing, because this is the time when the sky is calm, the sea is calm, and every fisherman who goes to sea with a full boat is full of shrimp and fish. After that, this charity ceremony gradually attracted the attention and enthusiasm of many people. Since then, the Seafood Festival has been formed and become a traditional festival not only for the Khmer people but also for the Vietnamese and Chinese people living around this area.
Ngay nay, Le hoi Cung Phuoc Bien duoc to chuc tai chua Ca Sang: bat dau bang le cau sieu, tuong nho cong on to tien, ta on bien ca va cau mong nhung dieu tot lanh nhat se den voi dan lang.
Today, the Seafood Festival is solemnly held at Ca Sang pagoda. The opening ceremony was a super-praying ceremony, remembering the ancestors' merits, thanking the sea and praying for good things to come to the villagers. This year, the festival will be held on March 13 and 14.
Le ruoc tuong Phat, nghi thuc trong Le hoi Chroi Rum Chek cua dong bao Khmer.
The ceremony of carrying the Buddha statue from Ca Sang pagoda to the ceremony area is an important part of the festival.
Tuong Phat duoc dat trang trong tai cot co hanh le
The Buddha statue is solemnly placed at the flagpole, where monks and Buddhists perform triune-praying rituals, pray for national peace and listen to monks preach.
Chu tang, phat tu thuc hien cac nghi thuc
Monks and Buddhists perform rituals.
Nguoi dan, phat tu cau mong cho cuoc song binh an, trong rau mau, danh bat thuy san thuan loi.
According to the Khmer people, the sea area is rich in resources but also has many potential risks, especially when high tides and floods threaten. Therefore, the festival also has the meaning of reminding people to prevent natural disasters and protect dykes. At the same time, this is an occasion for people to celebrate after a year of hard work.
Mot em nho thap huong tai nui cat - tuong nho den ong ba, to tien, tich nhieu cong duc cho cuoc song hien tai va mai sau.
The image of a child burning incense in the sand mountains, remembering their grandparents and ancestors, expressing gratitude and desire to store virtue for their current and future lives.
Nguoi dan con den noi dau tien hinh thanh Le Phuoc Bien de thap huong cau mong mua thuan gio hoa, gia dao binh an, lao dong, san xuat thuan loi.
People also come to the first place to form the Sea of progress to burn incense in the hope of favorable weather, peace of family life, and favorable production.
Trong nhung nam gan day, nho su quan tam va chi dao sat sao cua cac cap, cac nganh, Le hoi Phuoc Bien khong ngung duoc cai thien va nang tam ca ve noi dung lan hinh thuc, thu hut dong dao nguoi dan tham du. Le hoi da tro thanh “soi day” lien ket that chat tinh doan ket, thuong yeu, giup do lan nhau giua ba dan toc Kinh - Khmer - Hoa dang sinh song tren vung dat xu bien Vinh Chau.  Ngay 5 thang 3 nam 2025, Le hoi Phuoc Bien vinh du duoc Bo Van hoa, The thao va Du lich cong nhan la Di san van hoa phi vat the quoc gia.
In recent years, thanks to the attention of all levels and sectors, the Seafood Festival has been constantly improved and upgraded in both content and form, attracting a large number of people to attend. The festival has become a "ring" connecting the solidarity between the three Kinh - Khmer - Hoa ethnic groups living in the coastal land of Vinh Chau. March 5. In 2025, the Festival was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a National Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Beautiful flower fields next to Chen Kieu Pagoda in Soc Trang


Soc Trang - The flower field of about 2,000 m2 behind Chen Kieu Pagoda attracts hundreds of tourists to visit and take photos every day.

Take a walk around Soc Trang market to buy specialties as Tet gifts


Soc Trang - Soc Trang market is bustling before Tet. Visitors can buy Vinh Chau shallots, cinnamon pickles, etc. to prepare many traditional Tet dishes.

Temple with whale grave weighing more than 10 tons in Soc Trang


Soc Trang - In addition to its unique architecture, Wat Sala Phothi Serey Sako is known for having a whale tomb weighing more than 10 tons.

The talented craft of glass painting of the Khmer people in Soc Trang


Soc Trang - Painting on glass is not only a traditional profession but also represents the painting culture of the Khmer people.

Beautiful flower fields next to Chen Kieu Pagoda in Soc Trang


Soc Trang - The flower field of about 2,000 m2 behind Chen Kieu Pagoda attracts hundreds of tourists to visit and take photos every day.

Take a walk around Soc Trang market to buy specialties as Tet gifts

Huỳnh Nhi |

Soc Trang - Soc Trang market is bustling before Tet. Visitors can buy Vinh Chau shallots, cinnamon pickles, etc. to prepare many traditional Tet dishes.

Temple with whale grave weighing more than 10 tons in Soc Trang


Soc Trang - In addition to its unique architecture, Wat Sala Phothi Serey Sako is known for having a whale tomb weighing more than 10 tons.

The talented craft of glass painting of the Khmer people in Soc Trang


Soc Trang - Painting on glass is not only a traditional profession but also represents the painting culture of the Khmer people.