Unique Western specialties from wild fruits only available during the rainy season

Quang Thiện |

From a wild fruit, the fruit has become a famous specialty of the West when people use it as an ingredient for dishes.

The fruit is one of the typical vines of the Southwest region, especially popular during the rainy season. This type of plant often grows wild in saline and alkaline soils, clinging to tree rows in mangrove forests and fish sauce forests to grow.

Acorns are easy to find and often grow around gardens and mangrove forests. Photo: Azid Giau
Acorns are easy to find and often grow around gardens and mangrove forests. Photo: Azid Giau

When young, the fruit is green with a sour taste, turns purple-black when ripe and has a sour taste with a sweet aftertaste. The characteristic sour taste of the fruit has turned this wild fruit into one of the famous specialties of the Thuong Thu region.

Cuisine from the fruit is very rustic, bearing the characteristics of the Western region with a combination of many local products such as ling fish, brown fish, snakehead fish, eel... Or, locals can use This wild fruit is soaked in wine and made into jam.

Many dishes made from fruit have become famous specialties. Photo: Azid Giau
Many dishes made from fruit have become famous specialties. Photo: Azid Giau

Sour soup with fruit

Sour soup is one of the popular dishes of people in the Mekong Delta. This dish can use a variety of ingredients to create a sour taste such as star fruit, star fruit, tamarind... Among them, the sour taste from the fruit combined with local fish is the most special. This type of wild fruit is present in many places and is easy to find, so people often use it to make sour fruit soup.

When exposed to high temperatures, ripe fruit will turn the juice a characteristic purple color. Photo: Azid Giau
When exposed to high temperatures, ripe fruit will turn the juice a characteristic purple color. Photo: Azid Giau

The sour taste of the fruit combined with a variety of fish such as snakehead fish, brown fish, perch or basa fish or using eels and calendar to create a rustic and very typical dish.

To prepare sour soup with fruit, the cook must crush the fruit to get sour juice, then cook it with marinated fish, adding vegetables such as mint, tomatoes, pineapple and herbs. This soup not only requires skill in seasoning but also in choosing fresh ingredients, ensuring a natural, refreshing flavor.

Sour soup with fruit fruit is a dish that can combine a variety of available ingredients. Photo: Ngoai Ty
Sour soup with fruit fruit is a dish that can combine a variety of available ingredients. Photo: Ngoai Ty

The fruit sour soup uses seasoning vegetables such as cinnamon, cilantro, and braised cilantro to reduce the fishy smell of the fish and increase the flavor of the dish. The accompanying vegetables are mostly products that can be found locally such as chives, water hyacinth, water spinach, banana corn, water lily or chooi shoots. Gourd fruit sour soup is often eaten with white rice or fresh vermicelli.

Later, sour fish soup was also upgraded and brought to the menu of many restaurants and became a popular dish.

Brown fish braised with fruit

In the diverse and rich culinary picture of the Southwest region, the braised brown fish dish with fruit stands out as a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of the people here. The combination of brown fish and fruit not only creates a unique flavor but also reflects the characteristics of riverside cuisine.

To prepare this dish, brown fish is washed, cut into pieces and marinated with spices. Crush the fruit and put it in the pot with the fish, add fish sauce, sugar and filtered water, simmer until the stock thickens and the fish absorbs the spices. People often use old but unripe fruit to keep the acidity and astringency. This acrid taste eliminates the fishy smell of fish, making the dish more delicious.

Brown fish braised with fruit has become a specialty dish that makes many people far from home feel nostalgic for its special flavor. Photo: Tran Long
Brown fish braised with fruit has become a Western specialty dish, making many people far from their homeland feel nostalgic for its special flavor. Photo: Ghe Hang Vlog

Brown fish braised with fruit nuts is often served with white rice or white porridge. The soft sweetness of the brown fish combined with the sour taste of the fruit and the aroma of spices creates a rich dish that is suitable for rice.

This is not only delicious food but also brings the cozy and close feeling of a Western family meal. If you have the opportunity to enjoy braised brown fish with fruit, you will fully feel the quintessence of Western cuisine.

Taking advantage of local products, Westerners have turned the fruit into an extremely special dish. Photo: Azid Giau
Taking advantage of local products, Westerners have turned the fruit into an extremely special dish. Photo: Azid Giau

Cuisine from the fruit not only demonstrates the creativity and sophistication of Western people in taking advantage of natural resources, but is also part of a unique culinary culture. Each dish from the fruit not only brings a new flavor, but also evokes images of the simple, honest life and love for the homeland of the people of the West.

Quang Thiện

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Trong mắt du khách Anh Lorna Parkes, miền Tây đủ màu sắc, âm thanh, hương vị... Dọc hành trình xuôi theo dòng Mekong, cô trải nghiệm cuộc sống bình dị của người địa phương.

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Ít người biết rằng, hoa bằng lăng là nguyên liệu thích hợp để làm thành món gỏi thanh mát cho ngày hè.

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Khách Tây đi từ bất ngờ này đến bất ngờ khác khi đến miền Tây


Trong mắt du khách Anh Lorna Parkes, miền Tây đủ màu sắc, âm thanh, hương vị... Dọc hành trình xuôi theo dòng Mekong, cô trải nghiệm cuộc sống bình dị của người địa phương.

Ngỡ ngàng gỏi hoa bằng lăng người sành ăn mới biết ở miền Tây


Ít người biết rằng, hoa bằng lăng là nguyên liệu thích hợp để làm thành món gỏi thanh mát cho ngày hè.