Hundred-year-old durian tree produces tons of fruit in Dak Lak


Dak Lak - A hundred-year-old durian tree bears fruit every year. This year, the tree bears tons of fruit with a special delicious flavor.

Mr. Le Van Thanh in Tan Lap village, Ea Yong commune, Krong Pac district is the owner of this ancient durian tree. In recent years, Mr. Thanh's family's ancient durian tree has attracted many groups of visitors to visit, take pictures and especially enjoy...

As a durian fan, Ms. Tran Ngoc Thuy traveled hundreds of kilometers from Binh Phuoc province to Krong Pac district to admire these ancient durian trees.

"When I come here, in addition to looking at the long-standing durian tree, I also get to enjoy its special flavor. It is the most delicious durian that I have ever enjoyed" - Ms. Thuy confirm.

Sharing about the ancient durian tree, Mr. Le Van Thanh said that the family's ancient durian tree is a traditional durian variety (durian seeds), which produces delicious, very unique rice.

Previously, my family had many trees but then cut them all down, only keeping one tree. By this time, the durian tree was hundreds of years old. Every year, the tree bears fruit, and there are peak years when it produces tons of fruit.

"Many people have come to ask to buy and let me bid. However, I have no intention of selling. Because, the ancient durian tree has been attached to my childhood and many generations of my family. My family decided to keep it as a souvenir" - Mr. Thanh added.

Mr. Thanh's ancient durian tree is one of the highlights at the 2nd Krong Pac Durian Festival. The festival has 12 main activities. Including the experience of enjoying durian at the garden and visiting the ancient durian tree.

The second Krong Pac Durian Festival will take place from August 31 to September 2.


Đắk Lắk có thể bắn pháo hoa dịp Lễ hội Sầu riêng


Đắk Lắk - Chỉ hơn 3 ngày nữa, Lễ hội Sầu riêng Krông Pắc lần II sẽ chính thức diễn ra. Đến đây, du khách có thể thưởng thức sầu riêng, ẩm thực của các dân tộc…

Đắk Lắk kín phòng trước thềm Lễ hội Sầu riêng Krông Pắk


Đắk Lắk - Lễ hội Sầu riêng Krông Pắk diễn ra trùng dịp nghỉ lễ Quốc khánh 2.9. Hiện nhiều cơ sở lưu trú tại địa phương này đã thông báo hết phòng.

Khánh Hòa phát triển du lịch xanh từ sầu riêng, trầm hương

Phương Linh |

Khánh Hòa - Du lịch xanh từ nông nghiệp đang được Khánh Hòa triển khai ở các địa phương có lợi thế về nông sản giá trị cao.