Durian capital in Dak Lak prevents traffic jams during festivals


There are only a few days left until the second durian festival will officially take place. It is expected that tens of thousands of tourists will flock to the durian capital in Dak Lak .

According to the leader of Krong Pak District People's Committee - the organizing agency of the 2nd Krong Pac Durian Festival, in 2024, the locality is ready for the most anticipated event of the year.

This festival, the Organizing Committee aims for the safety and satisfaction of visitors. Therefore, one of the issues raised is ensuring traffic safety for the festival.

According to the plan, the festival takes place from August 31 - September 2. This is also the National Day holiday in 2024 and also the time when the durian capital is in harvest season.

Therefore, the Organizing Committee is very interested in ensuring traffic safety, especially on Highway 26, the section passing through Krong Pak district during the days of the festival.

Regarding this issue, Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Hung Hau - Deputy Head of Krong Pak District Police said that the Festival Organizing Committee established a Security and Order Subcommittee and has developed a plan.

Accordingly, the police force is assigned the task of regulating and directing traffic. The goal is to ensure that travel, purchasing, and transportation of durian does not affect the festival.

To do this, Krong Pak District Police advised the District People's Committee to arrange 3 parking lots. Thus, while waiting to pick up goods, container trucks will be parked in the yard, absolutely not allowed to park on either side of the road. This will both unsightly and affect traffic, especially on Highway 26 and during rush hours.

In addition, the police force also has a plan to regulate traffic for the street festival event. Accordingly, the traffic police force has developed a plan to route vehicles on the bypass, ensuring it does not affect the event or the circulation of people.

Currently, the police force has been actively propagating the law to drivers, ensuring the festival takes place successfully.

The first Krong Pak Durian Festival taking place in 2022 is considered very successful. The festival attracts more than 40,000 tourists nationwide.


Tặng sầu riêng mạ vàng 24k cho người trúng đấu giá


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Nguyễn Hùng |

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