The daily life of a housewife in the Quan Ho area of Bac Ninh


Bac Ninh - The lives of women in Hoai Trung village (Tien Du district) are like many other original Quan Ho villages - harmonious between labor and love for folk songs.

Toi den, khi khap duong, ngo o Hoai Trung (huyen Tien Du, Bac Ninh) da len den, can phong nho noi dien ra buoi sinh hoat CLB Quan ho cua thon lai vang len tieng hat binh di, tham thiet. Cac lien chi ngoi quay quan voi nhau, ngam nga cau ca Quan ho. Ai nay cung vui ve, hao hung, vua luyen hat, vua uon nan cho nhau du ban ngay, moi nguoi mot nghe, tat bat voi guong quay cong viec.
In the evening, when the streets and alleys in Hoai Trung were lit up, the small room where the Quan Ho Club of the village took place rang out with simple, enthusiastic singing. The women immediately sat together, singing Quan Ho's song. Everyone was happy and excited, both practicing singing and improvising with each other even during the day, each person had a job, busy with the cycle of filming work.
Nhu ngay tu sang som, khi ga gay ram ran khap xom cung la luc lien chi Nguyen Thi Huyen - Chu nhiem Cau lac bo Quan ho thon Hoai Trung chay nguoc chay xuoi voi du cac mon co. Theo nghe nau co thue duoc nhieu nam nay, chi cho biet, day la cong viec chinh dem lai thu nhap cho cuoc song. “Thuong nhung dam an som thi toi cung chi em phai bat dau nau tu ba gio. Cu co dam dat la i oi nhau lam du la cuoi tuan”, chi Huyen vui ve chia se.
For example, from early morning, when the chickens roared all over the village, Ms. Nguyen Thi Huyen - Head of the Quan Ho Club in Hoai Trung village ran back and forth with all the dishes. Having been a hired cook for many years, she said that this is the main job that brings in income for life. "Usually, for early meals, my sisters and I have to start cooking at three o'clock. Every time we have an appointment, we work together even on the weekend, Ms. Huyen shared.
Ben canh nghe nau co thue, chi Huyen cung cay lua de lay thoc an. O Hoai Trung mua nay, ma non xanh mon mon khap dong. Dau doi non, nguoi choang kin vai mua, lien chi Nguyen Thi Minh - thanh vien CLB Quan ho thon Hoai Trung vua bi bom loi ruong vua noi voi: “Da ngoai 60, co chau nho o nha nen gio toi trong lua voi rau mau la chinh. Gao thi de nha an, con duoc them mo rau, qua muop, qua bi, toi hai ngoi ban kiem tien di cho hang ngay”.
In Hoai Trung this season, the green rice is spread across the fields. Dressing with a hat and a raincoat, Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh - a member of the Quan Ho Club of Hoai Trung village, who was just traveling in the fields, said: "I am over 60 years old, I have a small child at home, so now I grow rice with vegetables. I keep rice at home, and also have more vegetables, squash, and squash, I pick and sell it to earn money to go to the market every day. Ms. Minh's family has about six soums of rice fields. Every year, two crops, every harvest day, Ms. Minh and many other women in Hoai Trung village are busy taking turns planting and plowing. Every crop, weeds, waiters, and then grills, and rice on the banks... The hand and foot are muddy like that, but the job is familiar, with a bumper harvest and a full house, so the family does not need to worry about eating rice at each meal.
Khac voi chi Huyen va chi Minh, lien chi Vu Thi Dinh - thanh vien CLB Quan ho thon Hoai Trung chon nghe buon ban lam chinh. “Ruong co, trong them gao vua de an, vua nuoi con lon, con ga. Con chu yeu thu nhap hien tai cua toi den tu nghe ban hoa qua”, chi Dinh vua ke vua xep hoa qua cho ngay ngan, dep mat. Nghe cho bua vat va, nang cung nhu mua, chi Dinh phai di nhap hang tu khoang bon gio sang de ra cho ban. Neu duoc hom dat hang, chi Dinh co the kiem duoc vai tram nghin mot ngay, dem lai nguon thu kham kha
Unlike Ms. Huyen and Ms. Minh, Ms. Vu Thi Dinh - a member of the Quan Ho Club of Hoai Trung village chose the main trade profession. "We have land, grow more rice to eat and raise pigs and chickens. And my current income mainly comes from selling fruit, Ms. Dinh said while lining up. The hammer market is hard, sunny and rainy, Ms. Dinh has to import goods from about four am to go to the market to sell. If there were a good supply, Ms. Dinh could earn a few hundred thousand VND a day, bringing in a good source of income.
Khong chi chi Huyen, chi Minh, chi Dinh, o buoi sinh hoat cua CLB Quan ho cua thon, cac lien chi deu lam nhieu cong viec khac nhau de kiem song. Sau thoi gian lam viec vat va, met nhoc, toi ngay sinh hoat la thu nam va chu nhat hang tuan, cac lien chi van vui ve ru nhau cung tham gia. O Bac Ninh, “mot lan nang cung mang dieu dan ca”. Nhung giai dieu binh di, thiet tha da tro thanh mot phan khong the thieu trong doi song nguoi dan tren manh dat Quan ho.
Not only Ms. Huyen, Ms. Minh, Ms. Dinh, at the Quan Ho Club activities of the village, they all do many different jobs to make a living. After a hard and tiring time, on every Thursday and Sunday, the women are still happily inviting each other to participate. In Bac Ninh, "a sun lane also carries a folk melody". Simple, passionate melodies have become an indispensable part of the lives of people in the land of Quan Ho.
“Khach den choi nha rang may khi khach den choi nha/ Rot loi hat xuong chen tra moi nhau/ Rot loi hat xuong chen tra moi nhau/…”. Ngan nga xong cau hat cung ban cap, lien chi Vu Thi Dinh chia se hao hung, ve met nhoc sau ngay cho bua nhu chang con: “Ngay vat va ban buon den may, toi buoi sinh hoat cau lac bo, toi deu co gang di du. Tham gia sinh hoat, toi vua duoc hoc hat, ren luyen voi cac chi em lai vua duoc buon chuyen. Chi em co gi vui sau ngay lam viec deu ke cho nhau nghe ca”.
"Customers come to play at home every time they come to play at home/ Sing to each other in a cup of tea/ Sing to each other in a cup of tea...". Ngan Nga finished singing with her partner, and Ms. Vu Thi Dinh immediately drank tea, continuing, her eyes were sparkling with joy and fatigue after the market day as if it were gone. "No matter how hard I work during the day, when I go to club activities, I try to go all the time. Participating in activities, I have learned to sing, practice with women and have the opportunity to chat. The sisters told each other everything they were happy about after work," she said.
Tiep loi chi Dinh, lien chi Nguyen Thi Huyen nhin chi em say sua hoc hat, nhe nhang noi: “Dang vu mua vat va, chung toi co gang deu dan cung nhau luyen hat khong chi de trau doi ky nang, tham gia hoi hop hay cac hoat dong giao luu ma con de co the truyen day cho lop the he tre trong cau lac bo tiep noi duoc van hoa, nghe thuat truyen thong cua que huong. Tu do gin giu va phat huy duoc gia tri cua nhung lan dieu dan ca Quan ho Bac Ninh”. Troi ve khuya, tieng hat van cang tram, cang bong. Giu gin, phat huy lan dieu dan ca Quan ho cung la mot cong viec, nhung la cong viec xuat phat tu tinh yeu, tu su say me voi net dep van hoa cua que huong. Nen dau lam du tram thu nghe, khi choi Quan ho, cac lien chi choi bang tinh cam tran trong nhat, khong ngai kho, ngai kho de gop phan giup di san cua que huong co suc song manh liet nhu ngay hom nay.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Huyen looked at the members who were eager to learn singing, gently expressing: "During the difficult season, we try to practice singing regularly together not only to improve our skills, participate in meetings or exchange activities but also to be able to teach the younger generation in the club to continue the traditional culture and arts of our hometown. Thereby preserving and promoting the value of Quan Ho Bac Ninh folk melodies".
Troi ve khuya, tieng hat van cang tram, cang bong. Giu gin, phat huy lan dieu dan ca Quan ho cung la mot cong viec, nhung la cong viec xuat phat tu tinh yeu, tu su say me voi net dep van hoa cua que huong. Nen dau lam du tram thu nghe, khi da choi Quan ho, cac lien chi choi bang tinh cam tran trong nhat, khong ngai kho, ngai kho de gop phan giup di san cua que huong co suc song manh liet nhu ngay hom nay.
late at night, the tea was still warm, the singing sound was still the stronger and the brighter. Maintaining and promoting the Quan Ho folk song is also a job in the daily life of the women, but it is a job that comes from love, passion for the cultural beauty of the homeland. Even though they have done hundreds of jobs, when playing Quan Ho, they play with the most respect, not afraid of difficulties and hardships to contribute to giving the hometown's heritage the strong vitality it is today.

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