Tourist attractions and relics in Hanoi welcome visitors again after the storm

Phương Anh |

The Temple of Literature - Imperial Academy welcomes thousands of visitors a day, and the Thang Long Imperial Citadel reopens after recovering from the aftermath of storm Yagi.

On September 7-8, the Temple of Literature was closed due to the impact of Typhoon Yagi. Immediately after the storm, staff from the Center for Cultural and Scientific Activities of the Temple of Literature - Quoc Tu Giam proactively cleaned and repaired the relic so that it could quickly welcome visitors as soon as the weather cleared.

Via he doc bao tuong Van Mieu duoc quet don sach se. Anh: Phuong Anh
The sidewalks around the Temple of Literature were cleaned after the storm. Photo: Phuong Anh

According to Lao Dong, on September 12, the number of tourists visiting the Temple of Literature was very large, mainly international tourists. Ms. Nguyen Quynh Nga, a ticket seller at the Temple of Literature, shared: “After the storm, most of the trees on the right side of the ticket office fell down, and the rows of trees along the wall surrounding the Temple of Literature had broken branches. Luckily, the hundred-year-old trees inside the grounds were not affected.

On September 12, it is estimated that the relic site sold about 4,500 - 5,000 tickets.

Hang nghin luot khach toi tham quan Van Mieu. Anh: Phuong Anh
Thousands of visitors come to visit the Temple of Literature. Photo: Phuong Anh

Mr. Kieu Duc Ngoc's family from Binh Duong went to Hanoi to play when Typhoon Yagi made landfall. They shared: "My family had planned to go to Hanoi to play for a whole month, so even though there was a typhoon, we still took everyone there. During the days of storms and heavy rain, my family mainly stayed in the hotel and did not go out. Today, the sun was shining and I chose to take my children to the Temple of Literature, the first ancient school in Vietnam, so the children were very excited."

Doan du khach Nhat Ban toi Van Mieu. Anh: Phuong Anh
Japanese tourists visit the Temple of Literature. Photo: Phuong Anh

In contrast to the crowded Temple of Literature, tourists lined up to visit. The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, located on Hoang Dieu Street, was quieter. According to the reporter's records, the Imperial Citadel suffered no damage or structural damage. Some signs and posters were torn or punctured by the wind, so the staff is urgently repairing them.

Cong nhan dang sua chua co so vat chat o Hoang thanh Thang Long. Anh: Phuong Anh
Workers are repairing facilities at Thang Long Imperial Citadel. Photo: Phuong Anh

Ms. Nguyen Thi Pham from Dong Thap visited Hanoi and expressed: “I am very surprised that Hanoi can quickly become beautiful again. After storm No. 3, I saw images on the news that Hanoi was “devastated” but today it has been cleaned up very well.

My plan is to go to Ninh Binh but the roads are still a bit difficult so I will probably postpone the trip to next time. In the next few days, my family and I will visit all over Hanoi.”

Hai ben via he duoc don sach cay do do bao Yagi gay ra. Anh: Phuong Anh
Both sides of the sidewalk were cleared of fallen trees caused by Typhoon Yagi. Photo: Phuong Anh

There are still many trees on the sidewalks on both sides of Hoang Dieu Street that have been broken and fallen due to the storm, and the cleanup work has yet to be completed. Due to the severe impact of storm No. 3, the tree construction units are only trying to ensure that the fallen trees do not cause traffic congestion.

Phương Anh

Du lịch Cô Tô khắc phục thiệt hại nặng nề sau mưa bão

Phương Anh |

Quảng Ninh - Cô Tô là một trong những điểm bị ảnh hưởng nặng nhất do bão số 3. Người dân trên đảo vẫn chịu cảnh mất điện, nước và sóng điện thoại chập chờn.

Tiếc nuối hàng vạn cây xanh, cổ thụ gãy đổ ở Hà Nội sau bão


Trong hơn 25.000 cây xanh gãy đổ ở Hà Nội vì bão số 3 Yagi, có những cây không đơn thuần cho bóng mát mà còn gắn với bao kỷ niệm của người dân.

Cảnh báo lũ quét, sạt lở ở 18 tỉnh thành sau bão Yagi

Phương Anh |

Trung tâm Dự báo khí tượng thủy văn quốc gia cảnh báo ngập lụt, lũ quét do mưa lũ hoặc dòng chảy khu vực các tỉnh bắc bộ do ảnh hưởng của bão số 3 Yagi.

Co To tourism overcomes heavy damage after storms

Phương Anh |

Co To is one of the areas most severely affected by storm number 3. To date, islanders are still suffering from water and electricity outages and unstable phone signals.

Regret for thousands of trees and old trees falling in Hanoi during storm Yagi


Among the more than 25,000 trees that fell in Hanoi due to storm No. 3 Yagi, there were trees that not only provided shade but were also associated with many memories of the people.

Flash flood and landslide warning in 18 provinces and cities after storm Yagi

Phương Anh |

The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting warns of flooding and flash floods due to heavy rain or currents in the northern provinces due to the impact of storm No. 3 Yagi.