Co To tourism overcomes heavy damage after storms

Phương Anh |

Co To is one of the areas most severely affected by storm number 3. To date, islanders are still suffering from water and electricity outages and unstable phone signals.

On September 7, storm No. 3 Yagi swept through Co To Island. Heavy rain, strong winds of level 11-12 in gusts, the wind caused many trees to fall, corrugated iron fences, and advertising signs to fly all over the streets.

The storm left heavy damage to the islanders. Daily life, business, production and tourism activities were all affected.

Many schools and houses in Co To had their roofs blown off. Photo: Thu Bau
Many schools and houses in Co To had their roofs blown off by storm No. 3. Photo: Thu Bau

Mr. Hien, owner of Luong Tri homestay on Co To island, shared: “Having worked in tourism on Co To island for many years, I have never seen such a historic storm. Almost all the roofs of houses, kitchen areas of hotels and motels were destroyed.”

Trams and cars were badly damaged by fallen trees. The most difficult thing is that until today, September 10, the island still has no electricity, no water, and the phone signal is intermittent.

Despite the heavy damage, Mr. Hien believes that the locals only need to clean up for about 1-2 weeks before they can welcome tourists back to the tourist island. “Every day, everyone on the island cleans up together so that they can quickly welcome tourists back after the storm,” he said.

When talking about the day Typhoon Yagi swept through Co To, we cannot forget to mention the heartwarming story of Ms. Le Thi Loan, owner of Co To View Hotel. In the critical situation when Typhoon No. 3 affected the mainland, she asked everyone to share on social networks so that they could come to her hotel to take shelter and avoid the storm.

Telecommunications forces urgently repaired communication lines. Photo: Thu Bau
Telecommunications forces urgently repaired communication lines. Photo: Thu Bau

Ms. Le Thi Loan shared with Lao Dong newspaper: “When I was young, my family was very poor. When the flood happened, fortunately, the people around us helped us so there were no casualties. I am grateful to them until now, so my actions come from the heart. I try my best to help anyone I can.”

I feel sorry for the workers and those who live in rented houses that are not safe during this terrible storm No. 3. Currently, there are about 30 people coming to my hotel to avoid the storm. I serve food and necessary items for free.

Ms. Loan’s house suffered damage to the kitchen and the fourth floor’s metal roof, but most importantly, there were no casualties. “Loss of property can be recovered, but people cannot. Currently, hotels and motels on the island are rushing to repair their facilities to welcome tourists back as soon as possible,” she said.

Previously, storm No. 3 caused a power outage in the entire Co To district, with over 50 power lines falling onto the road, according to the Co To District Cultural Communication Center. By the morning of September 9, the communication system in Co To had been basically restored.

After storm No. 3, in addition to houses, offices..., many hotels, restaurants... in Ha Long suffered property damage due to heavy rain and strong winds. Many glass windows were broken, hotel signs were blown dozens of meters away by the wind, and trees were knocked down by the wind.

Phương Anh

Dự báo thời tiết hôm nay 10.9: Mưa lũ dữ dội nhất sau bão số 3


Dự báo thời tiết hôm nay 10.9 tại nhiều tỉnh thành Bắc Bộ đón đợt cao điểm mưa lũ dữ dội sau bão số 3.

Khuyến cáo việc cần làm để khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3


Ngay sau khi bão số 3 Yagi suy yếu thành một vùng áp thấp, người dân cần lưu ý các việc cần làm sau bão để đảm bảo an toàn.

Bão số 3 Yagi càn quét Cô Tô, hướng thẳng về Hải Phòng - Quảng Ninh


Bão Yagi đang quần thảo trên vịnh Bái Tử Long, áp sát đất liền Hải Phòng - Quảng Ninh với tốc độ đạt 20km/h.

Weather forecast today 9/10: The most severe rain and floods after storm No. 3


Weather forecast for today, September 10, many provinces in the North will experience a peak of heavy rain and flooding after storm No. 3.

Recommendations on what to do to overcome the consequences of storm No. 3


Immediately after storm No. 3 Yagi weakened into a low pressure area, people need to pay attention to what to do after the storm to ensure safety.

Storm No. 3 Yagi sweeps Co To, heading straight towards Hai Phong - Quang Ninh


Storm Yagi is raging over Bai Tu Long Bay, approaching the mainland of Hai Phong - Quang Ninh with a speed of 20km/h.