Today's weather

Weather Forecast today 10/5: Sunny in the North, heavy rain in the South


Weather Forecast today 5.10 the North is cold at night and early morning, sunny during the day, while the South receives prolonged heavy rain.

Weather Forecast today 4.10: Low pressure trough causes rain in the South


Weather Forecast today 4.10 equatorial low pressure trough causes heavy rain in the South, the North is cold before welcoming the new monsoon.

Weather Forecast today 3.10: Cold in the North, heavy rain in the South


Weather Forecast today 3.10 The North will turn cold due to the influence of cold air, the South will have heavy rain.

Weather Forecast today 2.10: Monsoon is coming, the weather is cold


Weather Forecast today 2.10 cold air increases, the North welcomes the northeast monsoon.

Weather Forecast today 1.10: Storm Krathon enters the East Sea, becomes storm number 5


Weather Forecast today 1.10 storm number 5 Krathon is moving into the East Sea, heavy rain in the North.

Weather Forecast today 9/30: Northeast monsoon with thunderstorms coming soon


Weather Forecast today, September 30, the North will have thunderstorms before the northeast monsoon.

The North is about to welcome cold air, the lowest temperature is 17 degrees Celsius


According to the latest weather forecast, a cold air mass is moving from the North to the South.

Weather Forecast today 9/29: Cold air flows in, heavy rain in the North


Weather Forecast today, September 29, the North will receive widespread heavy rain due to the influence of the cold air that is about to come in, the temperature will drop.

Weather Forecast today 9/28: The North is about to welcome new cold air causing rain


Weather Forecast today, September 28, the North enters a period of thunderstorms before welcoming new cold air causing a drop in temperature.

Weather Forecast today 9/27: The North is about to receive heavy rain before the cold air mass


Weather Forecast today, September 27, the North is about to receive heavy rain before the second cold air wave arrives.

Weather Forecast today 9/26: Heavy rain in the South, flood prevention in the Central region


Weather Forecast today 9/26, low pressure trough is active causing rain in the South, beware of rising river floods.