Lao Cai stops marathon, focuses on overcoming storm consequences

Đinh Đại |

To focus on overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3, the People's Committee of Bao Yen district (Lao Cai) stopped organizing the 3rd "Green Nghia Do" Marathon - 2024.

Due to the impact of storm No. 3 (Yagi), Bao Yen district suffered heavy damage to people, property, and infrastructure.

Up to now, the whole district has 75 dead, 31 injured, 7 missing; 5,190 houses damaged; more than 2,566 hectares of production land affected; 385 infrastructure works damaged. Estimated damage is over 1,000 billion VND.

Implementing the directive of Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee on urgently overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3 and restoring socio-economic development in the area, Bao Yen District People's Committee decided to stop organizing the 3rd "Green Nghia Do" Marathon - 2024 in Nghia Do commune.

Bao Yen is a gathering place of 26 ethnic groups living together - the owner of cultural treasures imbued with national identity with 11 relics and scenic spots ranked by all levels, including 3 national relics, 8 provincial relics and scenic spots, 1 national intangible cultural heritage and 2 provincial tourist attractions.

This is an invaluable resource for Bao Yen to develop diverse types of tourism; focusing on developing spiritual tourism, community tourism, and experiential tourism... Bao Yen district strives to welcome 2.5 million tourists by 2025.

Đinh Đại

Hàng trăm khách đến Lào Cai bằng tàu hỏa ngày đầu sau bão lũ

Đinh Đại |

Hàng trăm hành khách trên chuyến tàu khởi hành từ Hà Nội đã cập bến ga Lào Cai sau khi tuyến đường được khắc phục sạt lở.

Lào Cai mở 4 tour du lịch kết hợp thiện nguyện sau bão lũ

Đan Thanh |

Sở Du lịch Lào Cai đang nghiên cứu tour du lịch trải nghiệm kết hợp thiện nguyện ở các bản làng bị thiệt hại nặng do ảnh hưởng của bão lũ.

Cung đường săn mây ngắm lúa chín đẹp như tiên cảnh ở Lào Cai

Đan Thanh |

Lào Cai - Cung đường đi tới xã A Lù, huyện Bát Xát đang vào mùa đẹp nhất trong năm khi vừa có biển mây bồng bềnh vừa có ruộng bậc thang lúa chín vàng.

Hundreds of passengers arrived in Lao Cai by train on the first day after the storm and flood

Đinh Đại |

Hundreds of passengers on a train departing from Hanoi arrived at Lao Cai station after the landslide was repaired.

Lao Cai opens 4 tourism tours combined with volunteering after storms and floods

Đan Thanh |

Lao Cai Department of Tourism is researching volunteer tourism tours in villages severely damaged by storms and floods.

The road to hunt clouds and see ripe rice fields as beautiful as a fairyland in Lao Cai

Đan Thanh |

Lao Cai - The road to A Lu commune, Bat Xat district is in the most beautiful season of the year when there is both a sea of ​​floating clouds and terraced fields of ripe golden rice.