Weather forecast for January 26, the Northwestern provinces are cloudy with rain, scattered showers and thunderstorms in some places. Light wind. Cold at night, some places are very cold, during the day it is very cold, very cold.
At the end of the year of the Dragon, tourists can visit Chin Chu Chai Cave, in Nung Nang Commune, Lai Chau, for more interesting experiences. The current local temperature ranges from 8-15 degrees Celsius, cloudy, with rain, scattered showers and thunderstorms in some places. Light wind. Cold at night.
Inside the cave, there are giant stalactites with many beautiful shapes. In the fourth chamber inside the cave, at a corner of the stalactite wall, there appears a “Pure Hanging Lake” with clear, cool water all year round.
The majestic beauty of Chin Chu Chai Cave promises to be an attractive destination for nature-loving and adventurous tourists on their journey to the Northwest in the future.

Today's weather forecast in Son La, Hoa Binh, Dien Bien, Yen Bai, Lao Cai, cloudy, sometimes rainy. Lowest temperature around 10-13 degrees Celsius, highland areas have places below 9 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature around 15-18 degrees Celsius, some places above 18 degrees Celsius.