Ho Chi Minh City focuses on developing green tourism


Ho Chi Minh City - Net Zero Tourism - Creating the future brings many practical solutions and proposals to develop green tourism .

On September 5, the Green Transformation High-Level Tourism Forum, with the theme “Net Zero Tourism - Creating the Future”, took place to focus on discussing solutions to implement Net Zero in the tourism industry.

Overview of the Workshop
Panorama of the Green Transformation High-Level Tourism Forum with the theme “Net Zero Tourism - Creating the Future”. Photo: Nhu Quynh

Mr. Nguyen Van Hung, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, affirmed that tourism is an important economic sector, therefore it needs to make commensurate contributions to Vietnam's development roadmap.

Therefore, the city needs to research and develop solutions to enhance the development of eco-tourism areas, sustainable tourism, and optimize domestic and international tourism to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Sharing the same view, Mr. Nguyen Van Dung, Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, said that the city has determined to make tourism a spearhead economic sector, developing in the direction of green growth.

At the same time, direct units, departments and branches to synthesize and publish a list of programs, events and festivals to ensure one event or program per month to create momentum for the development of the night-time economy, contributing to promoting and diversifying experiences and adding value to customers.

The 18th International Tourism Fair attracted many people and tourists to visit and experience. Photo: Nhu Quynh
The 2024 International Tourism Fair attracts many people and tourists to visit and experience. Photo: Nhu Quynh

Tourism representatives from several countries also said that the world is facing an unprecedented environmental crisis, so calling for immediate and resolute action in all countries is extremely urgent.

Given the importance of tourism to the economy and cultural preservation, ensuring the global Net Zero target is not only a national issue but also a responsibility of communities and businesses.

The 18th Ho Chi Minh City International Travel Expo (ITE HCMC) takes place from September 5 to September 7.


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