The boy deliberately made a fuss so that his mother would come home early


In episode 14 of "What You Want to Say", the mother was surprised to hear the boy say the reason for his mischief.

At the beginning of the program, MC Hoang Oanh invited Dr. Bui Hong Quan (Lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry) to explore the secret box. Dr. Hong Quan guessed that the child was harboring many thoughts and things he wanted to say when what he sent was a sad emoticon. Appearing on the program, Dang Khoi explained the reason he chose the sad emoticon: "Every time I see my mother angry, I am also sad."

Dang Khoi currently lives with his mother and maternal grandparents, while his father lives with his paternal grandmother. Sharing with Dr. Bui Hong Quan, Ms. Ngoc Yen - Dang Khoi's mother said that the couple divorced when Dang Khoi was 5 years old. His mother is the one who accompanied Dang Khoi growing up.

Dang Khoi shared with MC Hoang Oanh that he lives at home with his grandmother. Every night when his mother hasn't come home from work and it's raining, he worries that his mother will get wet. Not knowing what to do, he chooses to "act up", such as taking his mother's computer without permission and refusing to go to bed early. He said: "I have to be really naughty at home so that my grandmother has to call my mother to come home because I want her to stay home and play with me." At times like that, his mother gets very upset and yells at Khoi.

Appearing on the show, Ms. Ngoc Yen could not help but be moved and extremely surprised when hearing her child's confidences because she had never heard her child say this to her mother. She was quite busy with her oriental medicine work, only playing with her child at night. The day she had off was the day her child went to school, so the mother and child had very little time together.

Ms. Ngoc Yen shared that Dang Khoi is very naughty, likes to explore, sometimes fills the house with water to explore. She herself also has the psychological pressure of raising the child alone, taking care of his food, sleep and teaching him how to grow up, so she is very stressed. Whenever the child is stubborn and disobedient, she will scold him. Sometimes she is also afraid that the child is autistic and has psychological problems because he does not have enough love from both his father, mother and grandparents.

What Dang Khoi wishes for his mother is: "When I do something wrong, my mother should teach me instead of yelling or hitting me." Psychologist Dr. Bui Hong Quan commented that Dang Khoi clearly distinguishes between yelling and teaching because he perceives that his mother's actions are just yelling and not teaching, although his mother still has the intention of teaching in them. Through the sharing of her child and Dr. Bui Hong Quan, Ms. Ngoc Yen realized that she was quite wrong in the process of teaching her child, just because she did not have time to be with her child, she wanted to teach quickly, using oppressive measures to make her child obey her. Besides, the child's mother also hopes to be able to listen to her child and use a method that does not affect her child's psychology.


The girl was upset when her mother kept scolding her unfairly


In episode 13 of the show What I Want to Say, Kim Tu expressed her resentment at being constantly scolded by her mother for things she did not do.

Go Min Si's ideal boyfriend

An Nhiên |

Instead of being attracted by looks, Go Min Si likes people who work well and have a nice voice.

"Điều con muốn nói", bé trai muốn một lần đi chơi với ba mẹ


Chương trình "Điều con muốn nói" tập 6 là câu chuyện của Thành Long 13 tuổi với mong muốn là được đi chơi với ba mẹ vì gia đình không còn sống cùng nhau.

Hành trình 1.200km của cậu bé 13 tuổi với khát khao gây quỹ vì trẻ em nghèo


Hơn 11h ngày 15.7, sau gần 10 ngày đạp xe rong ruổi từ Hội An vào đến TPHCM, Hoàng Anh (tên ở nhà là Bắp, quê Đà Nẵng) cũng được gặp lại bố mẹ và người thân của mình, sẵn sàng kể cho cả gia đình nghe về hành trình ngược nắng, ngược gió của mình qua 1.200 km để gây quỹ vì trẻ em nghèo vùng cao.