Appearing on the show Emotional Suitcase, aired on the evening of October 18 on HTV7 channel, Chu Van Huan - a dancer associated with the breaking genre - a street dance of the hiphop genre, brought along a suitcase containing objects associated with happy and sad memories in his life.
Huan shared that he liked running and jumping since he was a child and accidentally watched the dance clips of the legendary Michael Jackson so he imitated them. After learning more, Huan found it interesting and started pursuing hip-hop dancing. To date, he has been involved in street dancing for more than 20 years.
However, in 2012, he had a traffic accident and had to put his passion aside for nearly 7 years. During the time off dancing, his diet made him gain weight because he didn't practice, returning to dancing became difficult, and he was prone to injury...
In 2019, Huan returned to the jumping competition and won a medal with his teammates. This was a joy and happiness, but it was associated with the keyword "collapse" because when looking back, Huan felt regretful for the 7 years of not jumping. In that time, he could have done much more if he had not injured his hand.
The time he was unable to dance made Huan feel helpless, depressed and very scared. He said that if he had not been injured, he could have earned a lot of money to support his family, but the injury changed a lot.
His family also advised him to change his career, but his love for dancing had seeped deep inside him and he could not give it up. The male dancer chose to change, but "as long as it has something to do with the dance community, as long as he can contribute something to the community's development, he will do it."
Chu Van Huan added that his mother was the source of motivation for him to try and not give up. Huan's mother was blind since he was young, but she still raised and took care of him growing up. Therefore, when he was depressed because of the accident, he thought about what his mother had overcome so that he could grow up.
He quickly regained his motivation and excitement, accepted and overcame the incident. The dancer affirmed that what his mother had gone through was an “inspirational” story for him.
For Chu Van Huan, even though he does not directly participate in dance competitions, in any role, having the opportunity to share and contribute to realizing the desire for the dance community to grow stronger and be recognized by more people is a joy for him.
Not stopping there, Huan also made Dr. To Nhi A admire him when he and his mother opened a charity kitchen to help people during the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that because he understood the difficulties his mother went through to raise him, he sympathized with the people around him.
Huan believes that when an epidemic occurs, normal people face many difficulties, let alone people with disabilities and the visually impaired. Therefore, he and his mother opened a charity kitchen to help everyone.