In the clip introducing the new episode, the opening of the Breakthrough round witnessed the appearance of contestants: 7dnight, Mason Nguyen, willistic, NGAN...
The Breakthrough Round has a total of 6 groups and each group will have 4 contestants. At the end of the group, 4 coaches and 2 judges will vote for 1 contestant that they feel has the most impressive performance.
Coaches will not be able to vote for their own contestants. The contestant with the best performance and the most votes will win that group.
The rules and evaluation criteria in this round will become much more severe: 4 warriors will have to compete in 1 group, 3 will be eliminated and only 1 contestant will win.
In case 2 contestants have the same highest number of votes, then the contestant will choose 1 of 2 beats with 8 bars (8Bar) and perform immediately on the same theme given by the 2 judges to decide who is the winner.
In addition, each judge will have a golden hat and the right to save the most potential contestant.
Entering the Breakthrough round, the coaches decided to go all out with extremely fiery statements.
B Ray - Karik seemed to make the atmosphere in the studio hotter than ever. Coach Karik shared: "Today, when I entered this round, my energy was equal to the whole season 1 and season 2 combined. I just want to tell the other coaches to bring all the strong contestants from their teams here."
In response, Coach B Ray asked provocatively: "Are you sure, Karik?". Coach Karik confidently declared: "Not only sure, but I am sure that my team will be the team with the most winning contestants."
Coach B Ray, after a season of winning the runner-up 24k.Right, this time returning to Rap Viet 2024, he emphasized that he came here to win the championship trophy.
Rap Viet 2024 Breakthrough Round with notable groups. Episodes 10 and 11 will be broadcast consecutively at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday (November 23) and Sunday (November 24) on HTV2.