Penalize stores selling counterfeit Adidas brand products


Dak Lak - A store in Dak Lak province blatantly sells fake products of the famous brand ADIDAS.

On August 1, the Market Management Department of Dak Lak province announced that it had just issued a decision to impose administrative sanctions on a business establishment in Buon Ma Thuot city for displaying and selling counterfeit branded goods. .

Previously, through information exploited in cyberspace, the authorities conducted a surprise inspection of Ms. HP's business establishment located in Khanh Xuan ward, Buon Ma Thuot city.

At the time of inspection, the Inspection Team discovered that this facility was selling 150 Adidas branded sports pants products (which are under trademark protection in Vietnam).

In coordination with the representative of the rights holder of the above trademark, Market Management Team No. 1 determined that this was a counterfeit trademark product.

Market Management Team No. 1 has completed the dossier and submitted it to the Market Management Department of Dak Lak province to issue a Decision on administrative violations with a fine of 16 million VND for Ms. HP; At the same time, force the destruction of all violating goods according to regulations.


Phát hiện gần 50 đôi dép có dấu hiệu giả mạo nhãn hiệu Hermès ở Thái Bình

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