Ca Mau proactively responds to storm Yagi


Ship owners, boat owners, and offshore cargo keepers in Ca Mau province proactively respond, ensure safety for people and vehicles, and promptly communicate to handle possible situations.

On the afternoon of September 3, the Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention, Search and Rescue and Civil Defense of Ca Mau province sent an official dispatch to provincial departments, branches, sectors, and organizations; People's Committees of districts and cities of Ca Mau to proactively monitor storm No. 03 (storm Yagi).

To proactively respond to storm Yagi, the Provincial Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention, Search and Rescue and Civil Defense requested relevant units and localities to closely monitor the developments of storm Yagi, promptly inform people, especially ship owners, captains, and offshore cargo keepers to proactively respond, ensure safety for people and vehicles, and maintain communication to promptly handle possible situations.

Many sea dikes in Western Ca Mau no longer have forests, so waves hitting the foot of the dikes when a storm occurs will greatly affect the dikes. Photo: Nhat Ho
Many sea dikes in Western Ca Mau no longer have forests, so waves hitting the foot of the dikes when a storm occurs will greatly affect the dikes. Photo: Nhat Ho

According to information from the Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting of Ca Mau province, on the morning of September 3, storm YAGI entered the northeastern sea of ​​the North East Sea, becoming storm number 3. At 7:00 a.m., the center of the storm was at about 18.4 degrees North latitude; 119.8 degrees East longitude, in the northeastern sea of ​​the North East Sea. The strongest wind near the center of the storm is level 8 (62 - 74 km/h), gusting to level 11, moving in the West Northwest direction, about 20 - 25 km/h. Forecast of the storm's development from September 3, the northeastern sea of ​​the North East Sea will gradually increase to level 6, the area near the center of the storm will be level 8 - 9, gusting to level 11 - 12; rough seas.

In recent days, Ca Mau has had rain and big waves on the East and West coasts. Photo: Nhat Ho
In recent days, Ca Mau has had rain and big waves on the East and West coasts. Photo: Nhat Ho

It is forecasted that from September 4 to 6, storm YAGI may reach a very strong storm level in the Northeast of the East Sea, with maximum winds reaching level 12 - 13, gusting to level 16 near the storm's center. In the next 24 hours, the sea in the East of the North East Sea will have waves of 2.0 - 4.0m, near the storm's center 3.0 - 5.0m. It is forecasted that from September 4 to 6, storm YAGI may increase to 5.0 - 7.0m. The sea will be rough , very dangerous for ships.

Units and localities promptly report incidents to the Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention, Search and Rescue and Civil Defense of Ca Mau province (through the Standing Office for Natural Disaster Prevention, Search and Rescue - Irrigation Sub-Department) for timely handling.


Nhịp sống 24h: Cà Mau phạt nặng hành vi khai thác cá non

Vinh Phú |

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Nắng như đổ lửa, Cà Mau đề nghị chủ động ứng phó mưa trái mùa, dông sét


Ban Chỉ huy Phòng, chống thiên tai, tìm kiếm cứu nạn và phòng thủ dân sự tỉnh Cà Mau vừa có công văn đề nghị các sở, ban ngành tỉnh; UBND các huyện và thành phố Cà Mau về việc chủ động ứng phó mưa trái mùa, dông, sét.

Nhịp sống 24h: Sạt lở nghiêm trọng ở Cà Mau, các dòng sông kêu cứu

Thanh Thanh (T/H) |

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