Nam Nghiep ancient paint flower forest attracts visitors in the most beautiful season

Đan Thanh |

Son La - Nam Nghiep village (or Nam Nghiep), Ngoc Chien commune is in the most beautiful mountainside flower season in recent years when flowers bloom evenly.

Nam Nghep la mot ban nho vung cao o xa Ngoc Chien, huyen Muong La, tinh Son La. Vai nam gan day Nam Nghep noi len la dia diem ngam hoa son tra (hoa tao meo) dep nhat o Tay Bac. Nam nay ngay tu giua thang 2 den dau thang 3, tinh hinh hoa son tra duoc chia se rat nhieu tren cac hoi nhom du lich. Anh: Hoang Minh Duc
Nam Nghiep (or Nam Nghiep) is a small mountainous village in Ngoc Chien commune, Muong La district, Son La province. In recent years, Nam Nghiep has emerged as the most beautiful place to see cat apple flowers in the Northwest. This year, from mid-February to early March, the situation of painted flowers is shared a lot on tourism groups. Photo: Hoang Minh Duc
Mua hoa son tra nam nay duoc danh gia no dep khong kem cac nam truoc. Nhieu tinh Tay Bac trong son tra nhung Lao Cai, Yen Bai tuy nhien rieng Nam Nghep, dien tich son tra van nhieu nhat voi khoang 1.200 ha trong do co nhieu cay co thu hang tram nam tuoi. Anh: Chu Duc Viet
This year's paint flower season is considered to be as beautiful as previous years. Many Northwestern provinces grow mountain pine, but Lao Cai and Yen Bai, Nam Nghiep alone, still have the largest area of mountain pine with about 1,200 hectares, including many ancient trees hundreds of years old. Photo: Chu Duc Viet

Aki Lan tu Ha Noi la mot du khach tre ngong cho mua hoa son tra va da co chuyen di ngay khi hay tin hoa no. Da den Moc Chau san mua hoa man vao thang 2, Lan chia se, mua hoa son tra Nam Nghep dep khong he kem canh hoa man Moc Chau. Anh: Aki Lan

Aki Lan from Hanoi is a young tourist waiting for the painting season and took a trip as soon as she heard the news of the flowers blooming. Having come to Moc Chau to hunt for plum blossoms in February, Lan shared that the Nam Nghiep paint flower season is not inferior to Moc Chau plum blossoms. Photo: Aki Lan
Hoang Minh Duc va ban be tu Ha Noi den Nam Nghep san anh mua hoa son tra dau thang 3. Duc cho biet di ngay trong tuan nen khong dong khach, co the o homestay mot dem, cam trai mot dem. Homestay du khach ghe cac ban Luot, Dong Xuong, Na Tau, Nam Nghep, gia moi dem o phong cong dong khoang 150.000 dong, phong rieng tu 300.000 - 800.000 dong. Anh: Hoang Minh Duc
Hoang Minh Duc and friends from Hanoi came to Nam Nghiep to hunt for photos of the paint flower season in early March. Duc said that he went on a weekday so there were not many customers, he could stay at a homestay for one night, camp for one night. Homestays for tourists visiting Luot, Dong Xong, Na Tau, Nam Nghiep villages cost about 150,000 VND per night in a community room, private room from 300,000 - 800,000 VND. Photo: Hoang Minh Duc
Nho tin tuc, hinh anh mua hoa duoc chia se rong rai, hau nhu cac cuoi tuan o Nam Nghep va cac ban xung quanh se kin khach dat phong. Du khach thich cam giac phieu luu, bui bam co the chon ngu leu trai, tan huong canh tuong rung tao meo ve dem. Anh: Chu Duc Viet
Thanks to the news, the image of the flower season is widely shared, almost on weekends in Nam Nghiep and surrounding villages, there will be many customers booking rooms. Tourists who like the adventurous, dusty feeling can choose to sleep in tents, enjoy the scenery of the apple and cat forest at night. Photo: Chu Duc Viet
Anh Chu Duc Viet, mot nguoi lam dich vu cho thue leu trai du lich cho hay, anh len Nam Nghep tu dau mua hoa, mot leu cua anh phu hop cho nhom 2 - 6 khach. Leu lon cho 4 - 6 khach co gia thue 2 trieu dong/dem, leu nho cho 1 - 3 nguoi co gia 1,5 trieu dong/dem. Ngay trong tuan co gia uu dai hon va dac biet dich vu leu day du dem tui ngu, nha ve sinh, nuoc tam rua. Anh: Chu Duc Viet
Mr. Chu Duc Viet, a person who provides rental services for tourist tents, said that he has been going to Nam Nghiep since the beginning of the flower season, and one of his tents is suitable for groups of 2 - 6 guests. Large tents for 4-6 guests cost 2 million VND/night, small tents for 1-3 guests cost 1.5 million VND/night. There are more preferential prices every day of the week and especially full tent services with sleeping bags, toilets, and shower gel. Photo: Chu Duc Viet
Son tra hay hoa tao meo co mau trang hoi nga, nam canh nhu hoa mai hoa dao, khi no dong loat se phu kin cay. Anh: Hoang Minh Duc
Pepe or cat apple flower has a slightly white color, five petals like peach blossoms, when blooming simultaneously, it will cover the trees. Photo: Hoang Minh Duc
Son tra von la cay xoa doi giam ngheo, ngay nay mang them nguon thu moi cho dan dia phuong nho phat trien du lich cong dong. Anh: Hoang Minh Duc
Pond is a tree to eliminate hunger and reduce poverty, and today brings new revenue to local people thanks to the development of community tourism. Photo: Hoang Minh Duc
Ve dep nguyen so, thuan khiet cua manh dat Nam Nghep moi mua xuan ve. Anh: Hoang Minh Duc
The pristine, pure beauty of Nam Nghiep land every spring. Photo: Hoang Minh Duc

Rung hoa son tra bung no to diem cho sac mau mua xuan o Nam Nghep. Truoc day Nam Nghep chi duoc biet toi la diem dung tren duong leo nui Ta Chi Nhu thi nay da tro thanh mot diem den co suc hut rieng biet. Anh: Hoang Minh Duc

The depending on the flower forest blooms to enhance the spring colors in Nam Nghiep. Previously, Nam Nghiep was only known as a stop on the Ta Chi Nhu mountain climbing route, but now it has become a destination with its own unique appeal. Photo: Hoang Minh Duc

Co hai cung duong tu Ha Noi len Nam Nghiep: (1) theo duong Moc Chau toi TP Son La roi di huyen Muong La toi xa Ngoc Chien; (2) di duong Nghia Lo huong Tu Le den nga ba Kim thi re vao xa Ngoc Chien. Hien tai, duong den Nam Nghiep da duoc mo rong va xe 16 cho co the toi tan ban. Anh: Hoang Minh Duc
There are two routes from Hanoi to Nam Nghiep: (1) take Moc Chau road to Son La city and then go to Muong La district to Ngoc Chien commune; (2) take Nghia Lo road from Tu Le to Kim ba intersection and turn into Ngoc Chien commune. Currently, the road to Nam Nghiep has been expanded and 16-seat vehicles can reach the village. Photo: Hoang Minh Duc
Ngoai hoa son tra, du lich Ngoc Chien thang 3 du khach con duoc ngam mua hoa ban, hoa gao no doc duong di, tam khoang nong, di bo leo nui Ta Tao, Ta Chi Nhu, thuong thuc am thuc cua nguoi Thai, nguoi H Mong. Anh: Hoang Minh Duc
In addition to paint blossoms, Ngoc Chien tour in March, visitors can also admire the banh hoa season, rice flowers blooming along the way, take a hot mineral bath, walk to climb Ta Tao and Ta Chi Nhu mountains, and enjoy the cuisine of the Thai and H'Mong people. Photo: Hoang Minh Duc
Đan Thanh

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Ngắm mùa hoa sơn tra bung nở bạt ngàn ở Y Tý

Ninh Phương |

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