Wearing traditional costumes, check in at all the cinematic corners in Hue

Lam Hải |

Visitors are overwhelmed by the splendid, majestic and ancient beauty of Hue Imperial City.

As people who love to explore old places, bearing the mark of time, Nguyen Tuan Manh and his wife Nguyen Thuy Tien (28 years old, Bac Ninh) had a memorable 3-day, 2-night trip to Hue. Photo: Interviewee
Tai day, chi Tien va chong da kham pha loat dia diem noi tieng nhu Kinh thanh Hue, lang Khai Dinh, lang Minh Mang, quan cafe Mat Biec, pho co Bao Vinh... Tuy nhien, noi de lai cho chi an tuong sau dam nhat van la Kinh thanh Hue. Anh: NVCC
Here, the two tourists explored a series of famous places such as Hue Citadel, Khai Dinh Tomb, Minh Mang Tomb, Mat Biec Cafe, Bao Vinh Old Quarter... However, the place that left the deepest impression on them was still Hue Citadel. In the photo is Kien Trung Palace - one of the 5 unique and important structures located on the sacred axis of the Forbidden City - Hue Imperial City, which has just reopened after 4 years of restoration. Photo: Interviewee
Ngoai dien tich rong lon, Kinh thanh Hue khien du khach phai choang ngop vi kien truc dep, mang dam dau an truyen thong van hoa xua. Tu mau sac, nhung chi tiet trang tri... deu toat ra ve xa hoa, long lay, ti mi nhung khong he pho truong ma kin dao, tinh te dung nhu tinh cach cua nguoi Hue.
In addition to its vast area, Hue Citadel overwhelms visitors with its beautiful architecture, bearing the imprint of ancient cultural traditions. From the colors, decorative details... everything exudes luxury, splendor, meticulousness but not ostentatious but discreet, delicate, true to the character of Hue people. Photo: Interviewee
“Moi nguoi nen danh ra ca 1 ngay de kham pha va chup hinh o Kinh thanh Hue vi o day rat rong, kien truc dep, co kinh. Ban chi can gio may len la co anh dep roi”, chi Tien khang dinh. Anh: NVCC
“Everyone should spend a whole day exploring and taking pictures in Hue Citadel because it is very spacious, the architecture is beautiful and ancient. You just need to raise your camera to have a beautiful picture,” Ms. Tien affirmed. Photo: Interviewee
Tuy nhien, vi la lan dau den dia diem nay nen vo chong chi Tien, anh Manh gap kha nhieu bat tien trong qua trinh tham quan. Anh: NVCC
However, because it was their first time visiting this place, Ms. Tien and Mr. Manh encountered many inconveniences during their visit. Photo: Interviewee
“Bat tien ma minh khong luong truoc duoc, do la Kinh thanh Hue qua rong va bon minh lai di vao luc gan trua nen nang va met. Chung minh quen khong chuan bi do an nhe nhu banh mi, nuoc uong. Khi vao Kinh thanh Hue, muon tim quan ban nuoc hoac do an rat kho va phai di xa”, chi Tien cho biet. Anh: NVCC
“The inconvenience that I did not foresee was that the Hue Citadel was too big and we went there around noon, so it was sunny and tiring. We forgot to prepare snacks like banh mi and drinks. When we entered the Hue Citadel, it was very difficult to find a shop selling drinks or food and we had to go far,” said Ms. Tien. Photo: Interviewee
The next day, Tien and her husband learned from their experience and went to Khai Dinh and Minh Mang tombs at 7am: “At that time, the sunlight was gentle and beautiful, so it was easy to edit the photos. We also brought banh mi and water so we wouldn’t get tired during the tour.” Photo: Interviewee
Ngoai canh dep, chi Tien cho rang am thuc cung la diem thu hut cua Hue: “Den Hue, du khach chac chan phai thu bun bo Hue va cac mon an vat nhu banh beo, banh nam, banh loc, vit lon um bau, che Hue, che bot loc heo quay, com hen, banh uot... Minh o 3 ngay moi chi kham pha dc 1/10 am thuc Hue thoi”. Anh: NVCC
In addition to the beautiful scenery, Ms. Tien believes that cuisine is also an attraction of Hue: "When coming to Hue, tourists must definitely try Hue beef noodle soup and snacks such as banh beo, banh nam, banh loc, duck fertilized with gourd, Hue sweet soup, tapioca starch sweet soup with roasted pork, mussel rice, wet rice... I stayed for 3 days and only discovered 1/10 of Hue cuisine." Photo: Interviewee
Theo chi Tien, dieu quan trong nhat du khach can chuan bi do la suc khoe vi cac dia danh o Hue rat rong, can phai di bo nhieu de kham pha that ky tung cau chuyen lich su o noi day. Ve chi phi, chi can khoang 2trieu/nguoi la da co the kham pha Hue trong 3 ngay 2 dem. Anh: NVCC
The most important thing tourists need to prepare is their health because the places in Hue are very large, requiring a lot of walking to thoroughly explore each historical story here. Regarding the cost, only about 2 million VND/person can explore Hue in 3 days and 2 nights. Photo: Interviewee
Chi Tien hai huoc chia se mot trong nhung dieu dang gia nhat chi dem ve tu Hue chinh la bo anh ma vo chong chi chup tai Dai noi. Von yeu thich viec luu lai nhung ky niem dep, dang nho tai moi dia diem du lich, chi Tien khang dinh minh da rut duoc nhieu bi quyet chup anh dep ma khong phai du khach nao cung biet. Anh: NVCC
Ms. Tien humorously shared that one of the most valuable things she brought back from Hue was the photo album that she and her husband took at the Imperial City. Having a passion for capturing beautiful, memorable memories at each tourist destination, Ms. Tien affirmed that she had learned many secrets to taking beautiful photos that not all tourists know. Photo: Interviewee
“Nen thue co phuc o ben ngoai Kinh thanh Hue, se re hon thue ben trong, dung quen thue cac phu kien chup nhu quat, o, hoa sen. Chung se giup ban tao dang tu nhien va trong quy toc hon. Chiec o cung giup ban che nang nua”, chi Tien chia se. Anh: NVCC
“You should rent traditional costumes outside before visiting Hue Citadel. Don’t forget to rent photo props like fans, umbrellas, lotus flowers... to pose naturally and look more noble. The umbrella also helps you block the sun,” Ms. Tien shared. Photo: Interviewee
Theo chi, du khach nen thue co phuc trong 2 ngay de chup duoc nhieu anh tai nhieu dia diem khac nhau voi chi phi re. Dac biet, nen di tham quan tu 7h sang vi luc nay anh nang dep, thoi tiet mat me. Neu buoi trua met thi co the ve nghi ngoi va sau 15h ra tham quan, chup anh tiep. Anh: NVCC
Tourists should rent traditional costumes for 2 days to take many photos at many different locations at an affordable cost. In particular, you should visit from 7am because at this time the sunlight is beautiful and the weather is cool. If you are tired at noon, you can go home to rest and after 3pm go back to visit and take more photos. Photo: Interviewee
Du khach di chup anh nen mang do toi gian nhat co the nhung nhat dinh dung quen mang nuoc loc va do an nhe. Anh: NVCC
Tourists going for photography should bring as little as possible, but definitely don't forget to bring water and snacks. Photo: Interviewee
“Hue mang mot ve dep khac biet, rat binh yen va co kinh. Net tram mac, nguy nga cua cac cung dien, lang tam, den dai khien minh khong khoi ngo ngang. O Hue co 1 nhip song cham, khong xo bo voi va. Minh rat thich Hue va neu co co hoi, minh se den Hue that nhieu de tiep tuc kham pha nhung dieu con dang dang do”, nu du khach khang dinh. Anh: NVCC
“Hue has a unique beauty, very peaceful and ancient. The quiet, majestic beauty of the palaces, mausoleums, and temples left me amazed. Life in Hue is slow, not rushed. I really like Hue and if I have the chance, I will come to Hue a lot to continue exploring the unfinished things,” the female tourist affirmed. Photo: Interviewee
Lam Hải

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Hue - Tu Hieu Pagoda is one of the special spiritual destinations on the beginning of the year, where people pray for peace, hope to welcome the new year favorable.

Vietnam's unique hundred-year-old arena in Hue


HUE - Formed nearly 200 years ago, Tiger Boxing in Hue is a deadly arena between fierce tigers and giant elephants.

Witness the superb pole vaulting skills of Hue youth


HUE - Young people from Gia Vien village (Phong Hien ward, Phong Dien town, Hue city) performed their superb pole-swinging skills, leaving the audience in awe.

Environmental protection in Hue temples


Hue - Tu Hieu Pagoda is one of the special spiritual destinations on the beginning of the year, where people pray for peace, hope to welcome the new year favorable.

Vietnam's unique hundred-year-old arena in Hue


HUE - Formed nearly 200 years ago, Tiger Boxing in Hue is a deadly arena between fierce tigers and giant elephants.

Witness the superb pole vaulting skills of Hue youth


HUE - Young people from Gia Vien village (Phong Hien ward, Phong Dien town, Hue city) performed their superb pole-swinging skills, leaving the audience in awe.