Inside the ancient tower proposed to be considered a special national monument

Hữu Long |

Khanh Hoa - The locality is completing the dossier to propose recognizing Ponagar Tower in Nha Trang as a special national relic.

ong Nguyen Van Nhuan - Giam doc So Van hoa va The thao tinh Khanh Hoa, cho biet don vi da hoan thanh xay dung ho so va trinh ho so len cap co tham quyen xem xet cong nhan Thap Ba Ponagar Nha Trang la di tich quoc gia dac biet, qua do tiep tuc phat huy tiem nang gia tri di san van hoa gan voi phat trien du lich ben vung.
Mr. Nguyen Van Nhuan - Director of the Department of Culture and Sports of Khanh Hoa province said that the cultural sector is currently completing the dossier to submit to the Central Government for consideration of recognizing Ponagar Tower in Nha Trang as a special national relic. The consideration of recognition is an important basis for Khanh Hoa province to promote the value of cultural heritage, combined with sustainable tourism development.
Thap Ba Ponagar la quan the khu den thap Cham nam tren doi Cu Lao, nep minh ben dong song Cai Nha Trang, toa lac tai P. Vinh Phuoc, TP. Nha Trang. Di tich co nien dai xay dung khoang tu the ky thu 8 den the ky 13, la cong trinh tieu bieu ve nghe thuat kien truc cua dan toc Cham.
Ponagar Tower is a Cham temple complex located on Cu Lao hill, nestled along the Cai River, Nha Trang.
Di tich Thap Ba co nien dai xay dung khoang tu the ky thu 8 den the ky 13, la cong trinh tieu bieu ve nghe thuat kien truc cua dan toc Cham.
Po Nagar Tower relic was built between the 8th and 13th centuries and is a typical work of architectural art of the Cham people.
Vao nam 1979, Thap Ba Ponagar duoc Bo Van hoa - Thong tin (nay la Bo Van hoa, The thao va Du lich) xep hang di tich lich su - van hoa quoc gia.
In 1979, Ponagar Tower was ranked as a national historical and cultural relic by the Ministry of Culture and Information (now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism).
Ben canh gia tri cua di san van hoa vat the cua quan the di tich, con co gia tri van hoa phi vat the dac sac thong qua Le hoi Thap Ba Ponagar dien ra hang nam.
In addition to the value of tangible cultural heritage, Ponagar Tower also contains unique intangible cultural values ​​through the Ponagar Tower Festival held annually.
 Trung tam Bao ton di tich tinh Khanh Hoa cho biet, hai chuong trinh tham quan Thap Ba Ponagar ve dem “Linh thieng xu Tram” va “Trang soi dang Thap” dien ra lan luot vao mung 1 va ngay ram am lich hang thang, bat dau tu 4.8.2024 (tuc Mung 1 thang 7 nam Giap Thin).
Currently, the Khanh Hoa Provincial Monument Conservation Center organizes two programs to visit Ponagar Tower at night. These are the programs "Sacred Land of Agarwood" and "Moon Reflecting on the Tower" taking place on the 1st and 15th of the lunar month, respectively, starting from August 4, 2024 (July 1, Giap Thin year).
Hữu Long

Cây bật gốc la liệt, nhiều di tích ở Hà Nội đóng cửa sau bão Yagi


Sáng 8.9, nhiều di tích ở Hà Nội phải đóng cửa để khắc phục hậu quả sau siêu bão Yagi.

Một ngày di tích Huế đón hơn 60.000 lượt khách tham quan miễn phí


HUẾ - Riêng một ngày nghỉ lễ Quốc khánh 2.9, các điểm di tích Huế đón hàng vạn lượt du khách đến tham quan.

Đền Quán Thánh là điểm du lịch Di tích quốc gia đặc biệt

Thanh Trà |

UBND TP. Hà Nội vừa ban hành Quyết định công nhận Đền Quán Thánh, phường Quán Thánh, quận Ba Đình là điểm du lịch Di tích quốc gia đặc biệt.

Trees uprooted, many relics in Hanoi closed after storm Yagi


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Hue relics welcome more than 60,000 visitors for free in one day


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Quán Thánh Temple is a National Special Relic Site tourist destination

Thanh Trà |

The People's Committee of Hà Nội has recently issued a Decision to recognize Đền Quán Thánh, Quán Thánh Ward, Ba Đình District as a National Special Relic Site.