Visitors are amazed by the array of cutting-edge weapons at the defense exhibition


Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024 attracts tens of thousands of visitors to admire advanced weapons and equipment from Vietnam and around the world.

Trien lam Quoc phong Quoc te Viet Nam 2024 dien ra tu ngay 19 den 22.12 tai san bay Gia Lam, Ha Noi, thu hut su tham gia dong dao cua du khach trong va ngoai nuoc. Anh: Hai Nguyen
Today, December 21, is the first day of the Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024 welcoming visitors at Gia Lam Airport, Hanoi. From early morning, thousands of people were present at the entrance, lining up to wait for the opening time. Photo: Hai Nguyen
The highlight of the exhibition is the air defense and air force equipment systems of Vietnam and other countries on display. Pictured is an American C-130 transport aircraft.
May bay dai 29,8 m, sai canh 40,4 m, cao 11,6 m, trong luong rong 34 tan, tung nhieu lan xuat hien tai Viet Nam trong cac chuyen doan Tong thong My toi tham va lam viec. Anh: Hai Nguyen
The aircraft is 29.8 m long, has a wingspan of 40.4 m, is 11.6 m high, and weighs 34 tons empty. It has appeared in Vietnam many times during visits and working trips by the US President. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Hon 240 don vi trong nuoc va quoc te tham gia trung bay san pham quoc phong, trong do co 69 chung loai khi tai cua Quan doi Viet Nam. Anh: Hai Nguyen
About 240 domestic and international units participated in the defense product exhibition. The event gave visitors the opportunity to see firsthand the world's advanced defense equipment and technology displayed and operated right at the exhibition space. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Xe tang T-90 cua QDND Viet Nam tai Trien lam Quoc phong quoc te 2024. Anh: Hai Nguyen
T-90 tanks of the Vietnam People's Army at the outdoor exhibition space. Many models of tanks and armored vehicles were introduced to the public such as T-90SK tanks (command vehicles) and T-90S tanks (combat vehicles), T-62 tanks, XCB-01 infantry fighting vehicles, BMP-3ME infantry fighting vehicles, BMP-1 armored vehicles... Photo: Hai Nguyen
Tai Trien lam Quoc phong quoc te Viet Nam 2024, nuoc chu nha Viet Nam mang toi 69 chung loai vu khi, khi tai cua 77 don vi quoc phong trong nuoc san xuat. Trong do co nhieu doanh nghiep noi tieng nhu Viettel, Z131, Z175...
At the Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024, host country Vietnam brought 69 types of weapons and equipment produced by 77 domestic defense units. Among them are many famous enterprises such as Viettel, Z131, Z175... Photo: Hai Nguyen
The Turkish arms manufacturer brought many personal pistol models and invited visitors to experience them. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Cho robot tich hop tri tue nhan tao, co kha nang phan tich cac hanh dong, xac dinh vi tri cua vat the can theo doi. Cho robot duoc thiet ke de tuan tra cac khu vuc va co so ngoai troi, phat hien va canh bao ve cac bat thuong nhu chay, khoi, cua mo va nhan su trai phep. Anh: VDE
Robot dogs integrate artificial intelligence, capable of analyzing actions, determining the location of objects to be tracked. Robot dogs are designed to patrol outdoor areas and facilities, detecting and warning of abnormalities such as fire, smoke, open doors and unauthorized personnel. Photo: VDE
Phong mo phong trai nghiem ban nhieu loai sung nhu AK, sung ngan, sung tieu lien thu hut dong dao nguoi dan va du khach. Vao thoi gian cao diem, du khach phai doi toi 2 tieng de trai nghiem 2 phut cam tren tay mau sung ket hop giua cong nghe hien dai va ky thuat mo phong chan thuc.
The simulation room for shooting various types of guns such as AK, pistols, and submachine guns attracts a large number of locals and tourists. During peak times, visitors have to wait up to 2 hours to experience 2 minutes of holding a gun model that combines modern technology and realistic simulation techniques. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Ho Xuan Bac, a student at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, shared: “I was given detailed instructions on how to aim and shoot to hit the target. Although the gun recoil was lighter than in reality to ensure safety, this experience still brought excitement and pride to the participants.” Photo: Hai Nguyen
Su kien da mang den cho du khach nhung trai nghiem day cam xuc, gop phan thuc day tinh than yeu nuoc, long tu hao dan toc trong moi nguoi dan. Anh: Hai Nguyen
The event brought visitors emotional experiences, contributing to promoting patriotism and national pride in each citizen. Photo: Hai Nguyen

Crowding at defense exhibition to see planes and tanks


The Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024 welcomed thousands of people and tourists from early morning on December 21 to admire advanced weapons and equipment.

Defense Exhibition has nearly 100,000 registrations to visit


Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024 welcomes people and visitors from 9:00 a.m. this morning, December 21, to 3:00 p.m. on December 22.

Pocket experience of visiting the 2024 Defense Exhibition


The Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024 opens for free admission from today, December 21, with a scale of 25,000m2 displaying many types of modern weapons and equipment.

Crowding at defense exhibition to see planes and tanks

Hải Nguyễn - Ý Yên |

The Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024 welcomed thousands of people and tourists from early morning on December 21 to admire advanced weapons and equipment.

Defense Exhibition has nearly 100,000 registrations to visit

Thanh Trà |

Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024 welcomes people and visitors from 9:00 a.m. this morning, December 21, to 3:00 p.m. on December 22.

Pocket experience of visiting the 2024 Defense Exhibition

Chí Long |

The Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024 opens for free admission from today, December 21, with a scale of 25,000m2 displaying many types of modern weapons and equipment.