Primary school teacher salaries will increase after July 1, 2024

Anh Thư |

Primary school teacher salaries will increase after the base salary increases from July 1, 2024 from 1,800,000 VND to 2,340,000 VND/month (30%).

Primary school teacher salary schedule from July 1, 2024

The Government has issued Decree 73/2024/ND-CP regulating the base salary and bonus regime for officials, civil servants, public employees and the armed forces. Accordingly, the base salary from July 1, 2024 is 2,340,000 VND/month.

Primary school teachers are officials in public schools and are calculated according to the formula: Salary = Coefficient x base salary.

The salary coefficient of elementary school teachers is specifically regulated in Article 8 of Circular 02/2021/TT-BGDDT and Decree 204/2004/ND-CP:

Grade III primary school teachers: Apply salary of grade A1 civil servants, with salary coefficient from 2.34 - 4.98.

Grade II elementary school teachers: Apply salary of type A2 public employees, group A2.2, with salary coefficient from 4.0 - 6.38.

Primary school teachers grade I: Apply salary of A2 public employees, group A2.1, with salary coefficient from 4.4 - 6.78.

Below is the detailed salary schedule of elementary school teachers when the base salary increases from July 1, 2024, teachers can refer to it.

Details of elementary school teachers' salary schedule when increasing base salary to 2.34 million VND/month. Unit: 1,000 VND. Photo: Van Trang
Details of primary school teacher salary table when increasing base salary to 2,340,000 VND/month. Unit: 1,000 VND. Photo: Van Trang

Very happy

Receiving information about the new salary schedule, Ms. Nguyen Thi Nga - teacher at An Quang Primary School (Binh Dinh) was overjoyed. Having worked in difficult areas for more than 30 years, Ms. Nga and many colleagues consider it a gift.

“Previously, when I heard about the salary increase but seniority allowances were abolished, I felt very disappointed. Because I have been involved in the teaching profession for more than half my life, if I give up the seniority allowance, I will be heartbroken. But fortunately, the Party and State listened to our concerns and agreed to retain seniority allowances for teachers. This is a great joy for myself in general and all teachers in particular.

Even though I will retire in just a few years, this salary increase is like a thank you gift for my journey with the profession. At the same time, create motivation, promote and attract more young teachers into the Education sector.

After more than 30 years of working, experiencing many salary increases, I feel this is the highest salary increase to date. Although we have not yet received the new salary, through preliminary calculations, with this new salary, accompanied by price stabilization, teachers' lives will be improved."

How much does the salary of elementary school teachers increase after increasing the base salary? Photo: Hai Nguyen

Sharing with a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Hang - teacher at Tan Bien Town Primary School (Tay Ninh) is looking forward to the day she receives her new salary.

“Increasing my base salary, my salary will increase to about 1-2 million VND/month. This partly helps us pay for daily life. I also hope that prices will stabilize so that the worry of food and clothing will no longer exist" - Ms. Hang confided.

Anh Thư

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