Recently, many subjects have appeared continuously sending invitations to open credit cards via apps. The subjects lure people to download apps similar to banking apps to open cards, then ask them to deposit money into the card to prove their financial capacity and when the victims deposit money, it is immediately taken.
Wanting to open a credit card, through an online invitation, Mr. N.T (HCMC) was lured into downloading an app similar to the bank's app. Mr. N.T said: "After I deposited 10 million VND into my account, all the money was immediately lost. When I called to ask, they didn't answer the phone, at that time I knew I had been scammed."
Similar to Mr. N.T's case, Ms. L.N.Y (Binh Duong) also lost tens of millions of dong when opening a credit card through an app offered online.
She shared: “I saw an online introduction to open a credit account without conditions, so I signed up. They said that to open an account, I had to deposit 30 million VND first to prove my financial status. I didn’t have enough 30 million VND, so they said I had to deposit 10 million VND first, but I only had 8 million VND left, so they agreed.
Then they sent me a link, the app looked like a bank app, I thought it was real so I deposited money, then I couldn't contact them, the scammers blocked my calls. I don't know who they are and I don't know where to get my money back.
The common trick of these subjects is to use all means to convince users to download fake banking applications and transfer money to prove their financial capacity to open a card. Once the user agrees, they fall into the trap.
Fraudsters can remotely control victims' withdrawals, then steal bank account login information.
Master, Lawyer Dinh Quang Thang (Ho Chi Minh City Bar Association) said: "Only banks can open cards via apps. You must open an account to register and have a transaction signature with the bank to be safe.
Because confidential information about personal protection is often registered like this, it is enough to not cause problems with information loss or providing your account number to another unit, which can lead to unexpected risks.