In 2024, the movie “Getting Rich with Ghosts” has a fantasy color, revolving around Lanh (Tuan Tran), Mr. Dao (Hoai Linh) and Na (Diep Bao Ngoc). As of the morning of October 20, “Getting Rich with Ghosts” had a revenue of 128 billion VND (according to Box Office Vietnam).
According to producer Bluebells Studios, the film was released directly in 12 international markets (as of October 20) such as: Malaysia, Brunei, New Zealand, Laos, Indonesia...
Director Trung Lun, actors Tuan Tran and Diep Bao Ngoc all expressed their joy at the achievements of the film “Getting Rich with Ghosts”. This is considered one of the memorable milestones in the careers of the artists and producers in particular.
Bluebells Studios said they wish to cooperate with Vietnam's top film talents in 2025 such as: Director Trung "Lun", Le Thanh Son, Dinh Tuan Vu, actors Hoai Linh, Tuan Tran, Diep Bao Ngoc and Kieu Minh Tuan.
Bluebells Studios' announced projects in 2025 include:
"Getting Rich with Ghosts 2" is directed by Trung Lun. He shared: "I was given the responsibility to continue to accompany Getting Rich with Ghosts part 2 next year, which is expected to be shown on September 2, 2025."
The movie “Phi Phong” is directed by Dinh Tuan Vu. The movie “Grandpa’s Grandson’s Crime” is directed by Le Thanh Son.