Successfully removed ovarian tumor as big as a grapefruit

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Duc Giang General Hospital successfully performed surgery on a female patient with a large ovarian tumor, severe torsion and infection.

Patient N.T.S, 44 years old, from Gia Lam district, Hanoi. Three days before being admitted to the hospital, the patient had symptoms of abdominal pain and fever. It was only when the pain became unbearable that the woman decided to be admitted to the hospital.

According to Dr. Nguyen Van Tien, Head of the Obstetrics Department (Duc Giang General Hospital), on November 26, the patient was admitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pain, fever of 38°C, a hard abdomen and a palpable mass. Blood tests showed that the CRP index was up to 346.7mg/l, a sign of severe infection.

Through ultrasound and examination, doctors discovered a large ovarian tumor pressing on surrounding organs.

Through medical history, the patient discovered the tumor 2 years ago, but because the tumor was initially small and painless, he subjectively did not seek treatment even though the doctor recommended surgery. In the past few months, the tumor began to increase in size rapidly.

In case of severe infection, the patient is indicated for emergency surgery. If not treated promptly, in the worst case, bacterial toxins can pass through the tumor into the blood causing infection/poisoning leading to death.

According to Dr. Tien, during the surgery, the biggest challenge was that the tumor was too large and had adhered to surrounding organs such as the small intestine, peritoneum and colon. The process of separating and removing the ovary needed to be done carefully to avoid causing blood loss or damage to other organs.

“After dissection, the doctors had to remove the entire right ovary. The removed tumor was up to 25cm in diameter. In addition to the surgery, the patient’s recovery process also required special attention,” Dr. Tien informed.

Doctors advise that many women often mistake a big belly for eating too much or gaining weight, but in fact it can be a sign of an ovarian tumor. When you detect unusual symptoms, you should go to the hospital for immediate examination.

Ovarian tumors are most common in women aged 30-50, especially in those with a family history of the disease. Treating ovarian tumors at an early stage is not only easier but also protects fertility and endocrine function.

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